Chapter Three.

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Amara's POV

For the past few minutes Monse has been complaining about the dance which honestly should not be that big of a deal.

Monse:All that's going to happen is people bumping and grinding. High school dances are the worse.

Me:Monse, you're a freshman how could you possibly know?

Monse:I can just tell, all of the hormones and guys who'll be sporting wood all night it's gonna be terrible.

Olivia:Really? Dances in Huston are dope and great opportunities to meet dudes.

Me:Chicago too especially the seniors.

Monse:Take a look around. Every hot prospect you see today is gonna be sporting wood by tonight. It's not pretty. Or impressive. Dances are basically sex fests.

Olivia: In a bad way?

Me:Monse like you said they are hormonal teenagers they get wood looking at empty booty shorts.

Monse:Still and yes they can expose you.


Monse:You can get roofied or pregnant.

Me:At literally every single outing you make. Your point is invalid Monse. And we are at school function if any of that happens the cameras or other people will see what happened.

Monse:Still, I'm not just talking about getting it In on the dance floor, which happens all the time. I'm talking about slipping on something suspect on the way to the bathroom, and boom you're immaculately concepted.

She just doesn't want to go and is trying to make us not go either.

Monse:Like peeing every time you jump. Cuz that's what happens after you get prego. Even if you don't keep it.

Olivia:Goodbye romance hello trauma.

Monse:Plus the dj they hired is some lame hipster from silver lake. Take Jesus and Sylvia for example they barely knew each other until he basically draped her.


Monse:Dance Raped. He was all over her. Like a prisoner, he marked her like a peice of property so no other guy would touch her.

Me:Sometimes that isn't all that bad Monse. I mean what girl wouldn't want their boyfriend to claim them proudly?

Monse:You don't mind your boyfriend ravishing you like a peice of meat?

Me:*rolls eyes* Am I supposed to say no?

Monse: Then she had no other option but to fall for him. It's Stockholm syndrome. Tonight could be a game changer.

Olivia:And our own personal hell.

Damn maybe she should have talked to Oscar, well Olivia ain't that bright anyway. We walk to the table the guys are at and the girls give off a negative vibe. I roll my eyes and count from ten.

Ruby:I'm wearing indigo tonight. I thought we should claim colors to avoid any outfit clashes. Indigo? Any objections? Oh and my pants have red pockets. I know it sounds weird but it works.

Olivia:What are the pockets for? Roofies?

What the hell?! And Monse nods with her mean self.

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