Chapter Thirty Seven

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Amara POV

I wake up to someone shaking me, I open my eyes and see Monse, I give a small smile and stand up hugging her. She squeezes me back and I pull away smiling.

Me:How are you doing? You look great!

Monse:Thank you! And I've missed you so much! Where's Omar?

I sigh and sit back down, she frowns and sits next to me. I push my braids from my face and look at her.

Me:Omar was taken a month and half ago, me, him and Oscar were on the beach... And we both turned our heads and when we turned back he was being snatched away into a car. We've been searching for him since.

Monse:Oh my God! I'm so sorry Amara! Does the police have a lead?

Me:They officially pushed the case onto the back burners yesterday.

It's silent for a second before I smile and look at her.

Me:But hows school going? You still loving it?

Monse:Yeah, we share a lot of stuff, it's good to not have to go through a testosterone filter with everything.

Me:I bet, but I'm glad you really like it.

Monse:Are you going to the party at my house this weekend?

Me:Nah, I'm not in the mood for people to tip toe around me. Or try to horribly get my mind off of everything.

Monse:I understand, but how's Oscar doing?

I nod.

Me:He's doing good, Lydia is here. Isabelle made me her guardian, so there's that and, once we find Omar we are moving.

She leans back eyes wide before looking at me, I lean back and nod.

Me:Yeah, it's been a lot going on.

I hear the door open and I see Oscar walk in with food trays, he looks over and sees us and he gives Monse a small smile.

Monse:Hi, Oscar.

Oscar:Hey, Monse, good to see you.

Monse:Yeah, I like the hair.

He chuckles and runs his hands through it. Just then Lydia starts to scream, I shake my head.

Me:Seems like she knows when papi is within forty feet. I'll grab her.

I get up and walk up the stairs and I grip the banister my head feeling light. I walk into my room and see her squirming, I grab the bottle on the edge of the table from the cup warmer and I pick her up, I put the bottle down and grab a diaper and grab the changing pad. Once she's cleaned up I grab her bottle and walk downstairs her little nails scratching at my chest. I see Oscar messing with tamales and I sit back down Monse gasps seeing her.

Monse:She's so beautiful! Oscar has some strong genes.

I chuckle and press a small kiss to her cheek and she moves to look at me I give a smile and mouth wow to her, she gives a smile and squeals.

Me:Yeah, they're lucky they can pull it off, I don't know about the father.

Oscar:Whatever. Here eat something, give her to me.

We switch and I thank him, Monse stands up and tells us she'll be around later. As I eat Oscar feeds Lydia.

Oscar:I may know where Omar is.

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