Chapter 9- Cassandra

Start from the beginning

She watched as Andrew turned his back to the target and shot. The bullet missed the center but still hit. If Cassandra wasn't exposed to things far more impressive than a lucky shot, she might have even made an effort to applaud him for the boldness.

She grabbed the Colt 45 from her belt feeling the familiar metal under her fingers. Gripping it right, she spun around, firing. She had made the shot even closer than Andrew.

"Nobody likes a show off, Agent Jackson."

Andrew smirked, giving an obedient bow and returning to his practice.

Diana's shots were solid. Cassandra vaguely remembered reading something about Agent Artemis doing archery so she hummed in approval.

"I know you wear glasses. Please put them on. Wouldn't want to be the one to get injured when you accidentally mix up a target with a living person, Agent Foxtail."

Lee's cheeks reddened as he reached for his pocket.

The last one was the newbie girl. There was plenty about her in the data Cassie had received. She hated to admit but she actually had fun reading about Chloe's life. She had earned Cassie's respect without even knowing. Unfortunately, Cassandra wasn't going to make training any easier for her.

"Hold your feet apart for balance and don't aim from chin level unless you want to be picking up your teeth off the ground."

Chloe stopped in her tracks, lowering the pistol. She wiped her forehead and moved her hair out of her face. Her hair was something that wasn't in the files and Cassandra wasn't ready for it.

She was a redhead. Granted, the color was vastly different than the one that haunted her dreams every night but it was reminder enough.

"Tie your hair. It'll get in the way."

Chloe nodded, her jaw clenched.
They were good, Cassandra couldn't argue. They were trained if anything. But they were soft.

A familiar feeling of doubt filled Cassandra's head as she watched them practice. It was the same feeling she got the last time she was in this position. She could see herself trusting these people but she couldn't trust herself.

"Agent Bishop, join me. Everyone else, keep going."

Bill set his gun down, going to stand on the mat, where Cassie was already positioned. They circled each other for a bit before Bill attacked. Cassie blocked his punch, slamming a her palm in the middle of his chest. He stumbled back, coughing and then waited.

Cassie struck next. She threw a punch at his side and then another at his head when he went to block. Then, she brought a knee to his stomach.

Bill growled in annoyance, as he checked her out, looking for a weak spot. They used to know each other's weaknesses well. Time had changed that. Bill had improved and Cassie had worked on her pokerface.

He lunged at her, dropping to the floor and swooping Cassie off of hers. She fell, Bill climbing on top of her and restraining her arms. She banged her head against his, flipping them over so she was on top. She pulled out Mike's knife from her back pocket just as Bill began to struggle against her grip and placed it under his throat.

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