Episode 65 Cammy White vs Sonya Blade

Start from the beginning

Shadaloo Alias: Killer Bee

Dislikes: Crime, M. Bison, Soup and Pants

Cloned From M. Bison's Genetics (Everyone was Completely Surprised at this)

Former Leader of M. Bison's Brainwashed Dolls 

Agent of Delta Red British Special Forces

Expert Knife Thrower

Wiz: Ugh... Not only was she Bison's top bodyguard, but also the leader of his Dolls, a group of brainwashed teenage girls trained to be ruthless, unstoppable assassins.

"That's unexpected, he has a group of mind-controlled assassins at his beck and call." Ruby commented.

"Yeah, and I'm starting to question his motives on why he wants a group of teenage girls as his servants." Yang stated while scratching the back of his head.

"I don't know, maybe to distract his enemies with their appearance and use any sort of seduction to kill them quickly?" Weiss replied with an unsure expression.

Boomstick: What happens if all their cycles sync?

 the girls blushed while shifting uncomfortably and looked away and just moved on.

Wiz: Her leadership roles come not just from her skills as a killer, but also because she just so happens to be a female clone of Bison himself.

Everyone were completely surprised at this piece of information that Cammy is a clone of Bison.

Boomstick: How does THAT happen?

"Yeah, how does that even work?" Ruby asked in absolute confusion.

"I have no idea, probably his scientists mixed his DNA with female cells and made Cammy." Weiss added with a puzzled look on his face.

Wiz: It gets weirder. Aware his Psycho Power was deteriorating his current body, Bison planned to possess hers.

Boomstick: I... have a lot of questions.

Seeing Cammy wearing a modified version of Bison's outfit makes the raising questions higher, but they wanted to get to the good parts instead of listening to more confusing plot points.

Wiz: Cammy served Bison blindly, until she met the mystical yogi, Dhalsim.

The group sees Dhalsim as a wise tan-skinned man with blank white eyes, red tribal markings and a necklace made of large skulls, and he also has the ability to stretch his arms and legs for long range attacks and other special super moves. Everyone were very interested to learn more about him in Death Battle in the future.

Wiz: Who used his power to grant her something she never had: willpower and self-awareness.

Boomstick: Realizing that Bison is actually... the bad guy, Cammy joined the Delta Red British Special Forces and the fight against Shadaloo.

Wiz: With her training from both camps, Cammy is deadly up close, with ruthless sweeping attacks, keeping her foes on the defensive.

"She really likes going for the offensive on her enemies." Yang commented.

"Adding with her reflexes and agile movement, she could give anyone a hard time to keep up." Weiss added.

"Plus, she's not bad at fighting and I want to see if her moves are interesting enough to learn." Ruby said eagerly.


Spiral Arrow

Cannon Spike

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