Late Shift

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked as I pulled into the parking lot, taking notice of all the expensive cars in it.

"Yup," replied my brother as I slowed the car to a stop near a silver Audi. "I'm not going to actually write down all the license plates, I'm going to use my phone."

"And what happens if someone sees you taking photos of license plates and calls the cops?"

"They can't do jack shit," he retorted. "It's my job to do this. I'm getting paid to take down license plates in case people don't pay tabs, or do some other stupid shit."

"Well, so long as you think you can handle yourself against drunks. I'm sure there will be half a dozen coming out at a time."

"Have you not seen me at the gym lately?" He inquired.

"Obviously I haven't."

"I can take care of myself. I can smash some heads together and break some noses."

I laughed. "Okay, now you're talking like a bouncer, not parking lot security."

"It's the same thing if you ask me, I just have to wait behind the building instead of in front of it."

"All right," I sighed. "Whatever you say Robbie. Just don't get too cocky, I won't be close by."

"Don't worry about me," he urged as he opened the car door. "Enjoy your night off with your lady."

Robbie got out of the car and closed the door, then immediately went to work taking a photo of the Audi's license plate. As I drove back to the main road to head home, I wondered what kind of thrill he'd actually get from the low-paying job.

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