Lucid Dreaming

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I didn't like the dream, so I left. It was as simple as opening my eyes, or walking through another door. Literally, it really was. I went from one random dream to another in a split second, and yet I had no idea I was in control. Or maybe I wasn't and that was just the dream itself. I guess it's kind of hard to tell.

Lucid dreaming isn't something that comes naturally to me – believe me, I wish it were. The idea of being in control, or even just being aware that you are dreaming is quite amazing by itself. All of the articles I have read and methods I have studied, have been leading up to this very moment. Whether I have control, or become aware within a dream, it doesn't really matter to me. Progress is what truly matters to me, and it is something I am going to strive for each and every day.

To be honest, the fact that I woke up and wrote down something in my journal that I never thought would be possible, is really remarkable. Not only did I have a eureka moment, I realized that my attempts haven't been all in vain.

Isn't that something though? I finally had a breakthrough. Sure, some of the multiple methods I found online haven't worked for me, or haven't been attempted, yet here it is, that one dream that makes it all worth while. And yes, I realize this was just one time and it was very brief, but can you imagine where this might lead me? If this occurs again, or more often, the possibilities could be endless. I could literally be selecting what dreams I have, or don't have. This could be the beginning of something new and wonderful.

Of course, I shouldn't get too excited. People always say you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch, but in this case, it is really difficult to contain my joy. With the ability to select my dreams, or "exit" them, I could gain control in a nightmare and switch over to something random and confusing. Instead of feeling trapped, I would have the ultimate freedom in choosing what my subconscious gets to experience while my body lies dormant for a well-needed rest. This is really amazing.

Exclamation points should be in use right now, but I'm not one for yelling, or shouting at the world about things I am excited about. I enjoy talking about them and sharing them through conversation, but that's it. If someone wishes to embark on the same journey as me, they are more than welcome to. They can ask me questions about my experiences and methods and we can help each other achieve our goals.

Having a lucid dream isn't going to be easy. As excited as I am to have had one, the hard part is having another one. And I'm not saying this because they are difficult to come by, I'm saying this because I have no idea what I did differently in order to achieve it. That is the sad and unfortunate part in all of this for me. But will that stop me? Heck no. I'm going to keep going, keep pushing, and hopefully, one day, I will have another lucid dream. And another. And another. And another.

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