Into Nothing

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Today was important. Company executives were coming in for a presentation and awards ceremony for workers, and since I was one of the new kids on the block, I was hopeful that I could share in some recognition.

I worked with Andrew for most of the day, stocking bins and setting up displays for Monday. The building was closed especially for the reorganization of aisles, plus the company was marking its 20th anniversary as well. There was a lot going on, but I felt excited.

As the day went on, I continued to work with Andrew in various departments. Some employees were driving forklifts, while others even pushed brooms in an attempt to make the place spotless.

Since I was the new guy – along with several others who were hired at the same time – I always tried to stand out from the rest. Doing a good job was easy, but going the extra mile would help me get an award and move up quickly to a higher pay grade.

"So what is the ceremony like?" I asked Andrew as we stocked a display crate.

"Just a bunch of people talking about how the business is doing." He continued stocking, moving behind the crate. "There are slideshows, awards, speeches... kind of boring really."

I smiled to myself knowing that Andrew had been working there for a long time and this was nothing new for him. The appeal had worn off, that much was obvious. He told me about the awards he got when he first started, but after the pay increase, it kind of stayed the same from then on. I didn't really mind to be honest; a huge increase to start, then minor ones as the years went on.

"What about bonuses?" Reaching for another bundle of tissues. "Those are pretty decent, right?"

He poked his head out from behind the display to look at me. "Well, they come with awards. You get a plaque and a bonus weekly paycheque, sometimes a gift certificate if you're unlucky. One year a guy got fifty dollars to a family restaurant. He seemed excited on stage when he received it, but when he sat back down next to me, he told me the place was expensive and that fifty dollars would barely cover an entrée and drink."

"So they cheap out then?" I laughed, slotting another box in place.

"Not always, just for the small awards. The big ones are worth it, but a newbie like you probably won't get one of them. Usually they are for dedication and service, and since you've only been here six months, it's highly unlikely."

"Way to burst my bubble," I joked.

He laughed and stood up. The display was finished, so we picked up clear package wrap scattered around us, then headed to the break room.

Andrew had a good sense of time. There were a few donuts and coffee still left, and the ceremony was going to start in fifteen minutes. Just enough time for me to wolf down a jelly donut and use the washroom as well.

As everyone took their seats in front of the stage, executives walked on with microphones and introduced themselves. I had no idea who the guys were, and didn't really pay attention since I probably wouldn't see them again – not for another whole year anyway.

At the halfway point, one of the supervisors gave the guy next to me a scolding look for wearing a wife beater to work. He shook his head and returned focus to the stage as they announced the break.

The guy next to me was jacked, but as he looked down to inspect his own poor choice in work attire, he turned pale. He was prodding at his arm where a black bruise seemed to be forming.

"You okay, man?" I had seen him around, but never really talked to him before.

"You'll keep your mouth shut, right?" His face was filled with worry, panic even as many people stood up for the five minutes stretch break.

"Uh. Yeah, sure. What's up?" I wasn't really sure what was going on, but I could keep my word for him if it was important.

"C'mon." He stood up and quickly weaved his way through the crowd of other employees to the men's washroom where we both entered.

The black bruises seemed to be spreading all over his body. Where there was just one on his massive bicep, another had mirrored on his other arm, and another appeared around his eye as well.

"What the hell, man?" I was worried the guy was contagious, or a friggin' alien. I had never seen anything like it before.

"Stand back," he instructed as he began poking and prodding at his blackening face. The colour had a tinge of purple to it, but as I noticed the other colour, his skin began to disintegrate like it was mere ash.

"Oh, shit..." The words came out weakly from my lips as I stopped backing up. He was wasting away into nothing before my eyes. What the hell was I supposed to do?

As he stared into the mirror in front of the sink, his skin falling from his face like sand, Andrew walked in.

"Whoa!" Andrew stopped dead in his tracks and held the door open. He didn't seem to know what to do either as our coworker practically crumbled before our eyes, his head disappearing into the sink in a clump and the rest of his body shattering on the floor.

He brought his hand to his mouth as he nearly threw up. As he squinted his eyes, I realized there was a smell of death now filling the washroom. Stepping away from the clump of black ash and clothes, I scrunched my face as I covered my mouth and nose with my hand.

"Did you know that guy?" I asked, sounding muffled by my hand over my mouth.

"Not really, but he was definitely on some sort of drug. When he started here he was a toothpick, then he gained muscles in a matter of weeks." He winced. "Let's get out of here."

"Was he on steroids?" We stopped just outside the washroom as the horrible smell was locked inside.

"If he was, he was on some really nasty stuff. I've never seen anything like that before. That was messed up."

"What do we do now? We can't leave him in there like that."

"Are you going to explain to a supervisor what just happened? Because I sure as hell won't. They'll think you're crazy."

"So then, what do we do?"

"Leave him. Nothing else we can do. Sit through the rest of the ceremony and hope his name doesn't get called."

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