Off-road Outrun

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One thing I learned the hard way when in Mexico, was to not get involved in Baja racing. The Cartel always wanted a piece of the action, and I don't mean the prize money, or the glory. If you were racing that distance, they wanted you to carry drugs for them, and if you said no, well then you would find yourself in the predicament I was in one day.

My race partner and I were testing our truck on some dirt roads that winded their way through the hillside and forested areas. We were making sure our communication system was working, our tire pressure was good, and the suspension felt great. Then out of nowhere a helicopter began to tail us.

We knew instantly that it was a bad thing. The Cartel was trying to rope us back into some arrangement, but we still wanted nothing to do with it. They followed us for several miles, then began shooting at us for no reason at all. I guess if you aren't going to help them out, they don't want you racing.

"These guys are crazy!" Adrian yelled, twisting the wheel back and forth in an attempt to avoid us getting sprayed with bullets.

The truck could get fixed with a bit of money, but our bodies not so much. Things were cheaper in Mexico, but they couldn't bring you back to life if you took a bullet to a vital organ, or the head. The only saving grace we had were our race helmets, but we still needed to find cover.

"Pull out all the stops, Adrian!" I ordered. "Pretend we're in the race right now!"

"I'm trying!"

I held on as he swerved back and forth, a few bullets hitting metal on the truck. This was our first time going to the Baja race and it looked like we were going to be out before we even got to race day.

Adrian floored it as we came to a long stretch of dirt road with lots of bumps in it. The suspension absorbed everything, allowing us to simply float over the rough terrain. The helicopter kept pace, but eventually peeled off as we were consumed by tall trees.

"Finally, some cover," Adrian sighed.

"We need to stop and lay low for a bit," I recommended. "We'll have to ditch the truck and hike out."

"Are you crazy?" he questioned.

"Do you have a better idea? Because I don't see one right now. We're close enough to hike back to the resort and then we can come back at night for the truck. I don't want to die just because we refused something illegal."

"Neither do I, but I don't like the idea of leaving our baby behind either." The engine roared as Adrian pinned the gas, the incline of the road increasing.

"I didn't say I liked it, but I think it's necessary for us to come out of this alive for one more day. We'll speak to Ivan when we get back and see what he says. I'm sure he'll have a better plan than us right now since we're running for our lives."

"Fine," Adrian agreed. "I'll pull over when I see an opening or some brush to cover the truck and then we can hike back. I better not regret leaving the truck behind."

"I know. Me too."

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