It Comes For Me

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Part 1 – Through The Trees

A streak of light gray was moving through the trees. I would catch glimpses of it in the moonlight, darting behind the thin trees of the forest and keeping pace. At first I thought I was running with it, as if it were a spirit guide, but I couldn't be certain. I felt nothing as the same reel played over and over again, the animal dashing through the forest as if it were on a free run with not a single care in the world. In the night of the forest it was happy and able to do what it pleased.

Part 2 – Running Scared

That feeling of panic set in when it happened for the second time. This time I wasn't watching from afar, but looking from the eyes of a scared man running through the woods. I kept looking back into the darkness of the woods, trying to catch a glimpse of the wolf I knew was now chasing me. Thinking it was my spirit guide went out the window now as I ran for my life. I was scared as I saw a few flashes of light gray between the trees. It was as if he was teasing me, letting me get so tired to the point of wanting to give up. Giving up was not an option, so I kept running.

Part 3 – Ready To Fight

We were now looking at each other in a clearing. I was on the low ground, he on the high ground. The moon shone directly down on him as he stood there, proud, as if he were on top of the world. I prepared myself for when he might attack by growling, but then I was suddenly woken up by my girlfriend.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nightmare again... same as last time, that wolf."

She wiggled her butt into me and I grabbed onto her. I was scared for what was to come in the next one. Maybe there was some internal fight going on inside me and I was caught in the middle, watching the projections of my subconscious mind as it warned me. I had no clue what to do except hope the dreams didn't continue. Feeling helpless in a dream where it felt so real was ruining my sleep. Not only was it doing that, but I was growling outside of my dream-like state so that my girlfriend who was sleeping next to me in bed could hear. I'm sure she thought I was going crazy, but then again, we both had some rather weird dreams that made no sense.

Part 4 – Face To Face

I've rarely had persistent, reoccurring dreams, but after being pursued relentlessly three times prior, the last dream was the final piece to the puzzle.

I was back at the last scene, standing with my legs apart, ready to engage in battle. When it decided to come at me, I was ready, or so I thought. The lack of control in my dream scared me as if I was on the inside of someone else's body. I wasn't driving, I was a helpless passenger and it came apparent when the wolf came down from the high ground. Within the blink of an eye he disappeared into the darkness in front of me and then a second later his green eyes, bushy face and open mouth of teeth were a mere inch away from my face.

Waking up suddenly with panic and adrenaline coursing through my veins, I felt as though I should have died. His mouth should have bit my face, or ripped my throat out for sure. What did it all mean? Could it have been a battle of two wolves like I had read about online? Surely it couldn't have been, there was only one wolf in my dream and it wasn't black, nor was it white. It was gray of all colours, a perfect mix between good and evil. But why was it chasing me, catching up to me and then before it ends my life, I suddenly wake up?

I texted my girlfriend once I gathered my bearings and she surprisingly texted me right back. She assured me I had nothing to worry about and that I'd be able to sleep over again soon so I'd feel safe. As comforting as the offer was, I didn't need to feel safe ever again, as that was the last dream I ever had of my furry friend.

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