"Wow wow this is so crazy" I didn't mean to but I couldn't help but let out a laugh this whole situation was so unexpected "I know I just feel bad for Mally he's starting to ask where his dad is" she revealed frowning a bit "What are you gonna say?" Honestly this had to be the hardest thing to do to tell your child who was so used to a two parent home that they no longer will be living in a household like that.

Nattie shrugged unsure herself Just then my phone vibrated letting me know I had a call coming in. We both looked down seeing Odell's face pop up onto the screen for a FaceTime call

"Hey" I answered seeing his face on the screen "what's up baby" he grinned at the screen "nothing just here with Nattie" I flipped the camera to show my sister "Hey Nattie" she waved "sup O"

"Alright ima let you guys talk I'll see you in the morning" she gave me a hug before speeding out the room.

"Where are you?" I asked noticing the surroundings were different and the background was much louder than just Bens usual talking. "Uhh we're at a friends place he threw a little get together" he said scratching his beard I knew he was hesitant to tell me where he was but I didn't care. "That's nice glad you get to spend some time with friends on the west" I knew he didn't see them much so I didn't mind it honestly I was wishing I had just flown out to Cali and went to the studio instead of being stuck here.

"Yeah I miss you though, how you feeling?" Even though he had asked me this question about 3 times a day he still felt the need to say it again "I'm good, we're good just tired" I repeated part of my answer rubbing my tummy. "I'm sorry I'm calling late I just wanted to hear you before you went to bed"

"You know I can't sleep that well without you next to me anyway it's okay" it was true it took my body a long time to go and fall asleep.

"Same I think I only get about a good 5 hours a d-" his response was cut off due to a distribution

"O you in here?" a knock came at the door and soon Ben came in closing the door behind "what's up?" Odell was annoyed "Brit n em tryna go" Ben motioned to the door before his eyes caught mine through the phone.

"Hey Yaya what's poppin with you Shawty" he took the phone out O's hand so I could see him "I'm good, you having fun?" I was trying to figure out who was 'Brit and them' the name rang a bell but no memory came up In my brain.

"Man gimme my phone" I could hear the irritation in his voice "back up you don't see me speaking to my sister" Ben turned away from him "so has I was saying you know mane we ain't really been having much fun without you everybody here ju-" the phone was snatched out his hand and I was now back to looking at Odell.

"You couldn't let me finish my sentence" Ben argued "nah man you pushing ya time limit" O tired to get him out of the room "you selfish you can't have her all to ya self" I knew Ben was teasing just to get a rise out of him "says who?" The two argued back and forth.

"Yo what are you two doing we been waiting ready to dip for like 30 minutes now" a new voice entered the room a female one at that "Karl having a lil something at his place we bout to head over by him" she spoke again waiting for a response from one of the boys "aight that's cool gimme a second I'm on the phone" O finally spoke up just for there to be silence.

I doodled on the notebook next me trying to make it seem like I wasn't paying attention when I was really all ears and ready to ask questions.

"Oh sorry, my bad, we out front when you done" she didn't ask questions likeshe knew who he was talking to "bye Yaya" I heard Ben say I'm guessing he was leaving the room as well "bye Ben" I did a slight wave as he left closing the door behind him.

The Perfect Ruin (OBJxSevyn)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora