Episode 45 Guts vs Nightmare

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Guts VS Nightmare

Ruby, Blake and Yang idly sat/ layer on their beds. Idly waiting for Weiss to finish her method of releasing all the tension she had from seeing the things Chuck Norris and Segata Sanshiro were capable of. It was very hard to believe how those two were just able to do the impossible like it's an everyday occurrence.

Ruby was drawing on her sketch pad. The past four drawing she made were about certain things learned from watching the Death Battles. One was a sketch of her wielding the BFG 9000 and incinerating a group of stampeding Goliaths, another was her red cloak being possessed by her mother's spirit. Being able to shield her from most dangers like with Gaara's sand and Spawn's cape. Another drawing was of her and her favorite white hair, red jacket and big sword and scythe wielding character battling some evil and dark things and lastly all of our favorite instant healing mercenary getting shot by White Fang grunts but of course the gun wounds will heal fast and the White Fang become completely wide eyed with how their weapons had little to no affect. Ruby wasn't much of an artist so drawings were of a chibi style.

Yang was on her scroll reading a story someone made up on the internet about four friends watching a series that pit two characters from different universes to-uhp, no wait she immediately changes to a gaming app when she noticed us watching how she's passing the time and is now pretending that is what she was on the entire time. The app is a mobile gaming version of the four kingdoms that allows you to play with other people from different areas around the world.

Blake of course was just reading a book. That's pretty much all you need to know. No surprise their. However, all three girls have headphones on. Why? To drown out the faint moans and panting coming from the locked bathroom. It would've been very uncomfortable to hear your roommate giving pleasure to herself. Blake however had a special set of headphones designed for faunus with an extra set of ears.

Soon Weiss exited the bathroom, holding her candles that still had some melted wax flowing on top. As she went to put them back where she kept them, Blake spoke "You done yet?" She asked with a hint of annoyance as she removed her headphones from her ears.

"Yes, I am. Thanks for waiting, now we can all resume the next episode. Ruby, if you will." Weiss said while gesturing to the tv. Ruby happily obliged and grabbed the remote. Everyone now sat down on the couch like they have before.

"Did you really have to do that just now?" Yang asked with a small smirk.

"It was either that or slam the door on my head." Weiss responded. "Now lets just continue watching." Ruby nodded and pressed play. Weiss hopes this one isn't too over the top like the last battle. She isn't sure if she can handle two in one night.

(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

The intro for this episode shows various characters. Including one character that was already featured in a previous Death Battle which was Cloud riding a motorcycle while carrying his buster sword; and one man who had a big muscular build but also seemed a bit corpsy and has something that resembled a pyramid covering his head. He also carried a huge sword. RWBY admitted he seemed a bit frightening enough to haunt you in your dreams.

Wiz: For untold decades, scientists have searched for a legitimate method of measuring a person's level of badassness... completely missing the obvious answer.

Boomstick: Just check out the size of his sword!

"Looks like this is gonna be a big sword themed battle." Blake said while trying to shake off the sight of the pyramid headed man.

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