Episode 31 Terminator VS RoboCop

Start from the beginning

A human skull gets crushed under a metallic foot which was a bit symbolic in some ways (such as the human race exterminated and replaced by a new race). The camera moves up and reveals the first combatant; a humanoid, metallic, robot covered in a metal exoskeleton, human-shaped feet, a head that resembles a human skull (with red optics that give it a scary appearance), and it's wielding some kind of advanced looking weapon. RWBY was both awed and intimidated by this cool and creepy looking machine.

Wiz: To combat the remaining human resistance, Skynet developed a specialized breed of robotic soldiers.

Boomstick: Affectionately called the Terminator



Cyberdyne Research Systems 850 Model 101 Infiltration-Combat Unit

Manufacturer: Skynet

Height: 1.88 m / 6'2" (as tall as Fox Alistair)

Weight: 172 kg / 380 lbs

Core component: Coltan

Power source: 2 hydrogen fuel cells

Always comes back

Wiz: Standing 6'2" and weighing almost 400 pounds, the T-850 is a cybernetic organism; living tissue surrounding a hyper-alloy endoskeleton.

What really surprised RWBY was that the robot is also covered in skin and hair to look exactly like a human! Ruby realized Penny isn't the only cybernetic being with skin and hair to hide her metallic insides.

Weiss, Blake and Yang were actually impressed that Atlass hasn't been able to make robots that appear almost like an exact human while Skynet was able to do so (Ruby stayed silent to keep Penny's promise).

Wiz: This made the perfect disguise, capable of infiltrating enemy ranks with it's human visage.

Boomstick: Basically, the whole point of the Terminator was to blend with normal people and then kill them.

"That does sound like a robot Atlas would try to invent and use… but that might cause paranoia for people as a robot blends in with people." Blake said. (And guess what happened during one of the finals at the Vytal Tournament.)

Boomstick: Yes, because two time powerlifting champion, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is totally your average guy!

They see a young Arnold, who looks very buff, has a record of being a very strong guy. Yang slightly blushed a bit of those muscles while also being impressed how tough this guy is. Not even Yatsuhashi or any other guy RWBY knows is as buff as Arnold here.

Wiz: Sure, but only the model 101 Class looked like that.

RWBY realizes the model of the machine is based off of this guy by appearance, including body shape, facial structure, and even the hair and skin complexion.

Wiz: The Terminator has hundreds of different possible faces.

Boomstick: What was that one designed for? Attracting women and making men feel inadequate?

Terminator is walking down a hallway and past a guy who looks at him in both awe and fear.

Guy in hallway: Damn!

RWBY chuckled at that.

Wiz: Using time displacement equipment, the Terminator was sent back in time to stop Skynet's greatest rival, John Connor, leader of the human resistance.

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