Chapter 6 - The big news!

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That night I tossed and turned in my bed, failing to fall asleep because of my excitement. I would get to see Laura today, the first time this year. I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling through the dark room. My eyes focused and unfocused, causing me to see patterns and figments of my imagination. For I was so tired that I hallucinated. I turned my head slightly and looked out into the hallway, seeing movement from the corner of my eye. I squinted through the darkness and saw a shadow, and then I saw an entirely black silhouette slide around the corner. A hand curled onto the doorframe and a head poked itself in, twisting in abnormal ways. The shadow looked like a man, as I saw no shape of hair on his head. Its shoulders were visible now, and the non-exhausted me would have ducked under the covers scared for dear life, but at that moment I just stared at the person now entering my room. It was about 2 metres away from my bed when I realised how stupid I was. I slammed my eyes shut and pulled the covers over my head, making sure to hold them down and isolate myself. In a few short seconds I couldn’t stay awake any longer, and sleep pulled me into its arms gently.

I woke to sun streaming in my window, allowing me to see little dust particles floating around in the air. I turned over, entangling myself in my sheets, to look at my alarm clock. It was 11:30, my normal wake up time. I realised it was Monday and that I’d missed my singing lesson. I sighed. Of course mum would have not woken me up and sent Eric home. As I flipped around in my sheets trying to break myself free, my phone buzzed on the side table. I grabbed it while sitting on the end of my bed crosslegeed, and flipped it open to reveal a text from Nathan -- who’s name was ‘Big Bro’ in my contacts. The message read:

Laura’s phone died, we’ll be down in an hour. Excited to see you lil’ sis!

I could read the message fully without unlocking my phone, so I just pressed the lock button and jumped out of bed, hoping to find some decent clothes to wear for my sisters arrival. I’d decided last night while I was struggling to get to sleep that I would wear a dress, so I walked casually over to my wardrobe and slid it open. The white sliding door hit the frame with a loud ‘bang’ and I jumped. There were about 20 dresses in my wardrobe, all categorized. Some were for nights out, family events, daily wear and special-casual days. I flicked the coat hangers with my dresses on them right to the left side of the bar and was facing my special-casual section. There were only 5 dresses here, which made this decision the slightest bit easier. I took all 5 out and threw them onto my bed, watching the fabrics and colours fly through the air delicately. I sat down on the edge of my bed where no dresses landed and straightened them all out. The first choice was a blue dress. It was quite short, and the colour of light navy. The bottom of the dress was straight cut and plain, but on the top hem line was a bow. ( It reminded me of a sailor’s uniform, and I placed it my ‘maybe pile’, which was on my lap. The next dress was creamy white and made of lace. Underneath the lace was a layer of plain white material to conceal my body and a thin brown belt was looped around the high-waist. ( I frowned and pouted, thinking of where to put it. I shook my head and placed it back on the bed, which was supposedly my ‘no pile’. Sorting through the heap of fabric on my bed, I pulled out another dress and scanned it over. It was strapless and covered in flowers. The flowers took on a purple undertone, and underneath the printed fabric was mesh fabric. I’d bought this outfit with accessories included, which was a black and gold belt, a black Gucci bag and a necklace that said ‘baby’ with the same colour scheme as the dress. ( I nodded my head approvingly and placed it on my lap, on top of the blue dress. The next dress was a two-colour dress, halved in the middle. The top half was plain white and also strapless, and the bottom half was a light orange crimped fabric. The front of the bottom half of the dress was quite short, but the back had a bit of a tail that covered a bit more. ( I groaned and dumped it on my lap with the others. This decision would be so hard! I had to look perfect. The last dress I picked up was quite long, it reached my feet when I was wearing flat shoes, made of black fabric with white dots scattered over it. Around this dress was another belt, this one still being brown but had a reddish tinge to it. I only had to look at it for a few seconds before throwing it onto the ‘no pile’. So I now had three choices, the light navy dress, the floral dress and the white-orange one. I spread them on the bed and did a random point. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was going to wear the white dress with an orange bottom half. I smiled and made a high pitched giggle before running into the bathroom to change.

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