CHAPTER 31: Left For Dead

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The bus laid in a ditch on it's side. Layla woke up with bruises and cuts all over her. Her leg was wounded. "Ahh, shit." She said. Reggie and Stephen laid in the seat behind her. They were dead. Their necks were broken. Everyone else was gone with no trace. "They, they left me?" She said sadly. She felt betrayed. Reggie started moving and groaning. She saw her backpack with her weapons outside on the ground. She grabbed a piece of glass from the window and his under the seat. She was shaking. Reggie shuffled around the bus. He dropped to the floor and screamed. He grabbed her foot and she yelled. She kicked his head and he fell back. She got out from under the seat. He lunged at her. She took the glass stabbed it in his head. Stephen started to move. She went to grab the glass but it was to deep inside his head. She held her leg and got up. She cried in pain and Stephen started to get up. She fell over Reggie's body and crawled to the door of the bus. He limped after her. She got to the front and pulled the lever to open the door. She fell down the stairs to the ground. Dozens of zombies were around her. She tried to push the door shut to lock Stephen in the bus, but she couldn't. He fell out the bus and got up after her. She limped towards her bag and picked it up. She started to flee away from the bus. Stephen was going after her. More zombies followed. "Leave me alone you fucker!" She yelled. She took a branch and pulled it back as far as she could. She let go and the branch flung towards Stephens head. It smashed his head into tiny pieces. Blood exploded everywhere and he dropped to the ground as she limped away. She fell again but she couldn't go in with her leg. "I'm sorry sis. I failed you." She cried. A zombie approached her. A gunshot fired and the zombie fell to the ground. Mariah stood a few feet away from her with a pistol in her hand. Layla took out her two desert eagles and they both started firing at the zombies. "I thought you were dead! Like Reggie and Stephen!" Mariah said. "No I'm alive." Layla replied. "I woke up and everyone was gone. You, Reggie an Stephen were laying there so I fled. Are you bit?" Mariah said. "No my leg is just wounded. I woke up and I thought they all abandoned me." Layla said. "I did too. They probably thought we were dead. We both know they wouldn't do that to us." Mariah said. They kept shooting. More and more came. "We gotta go!" Mariah said. "I can't. My leg. Just go I'll slow you down anyways." Layla replied. "Bitch you buggin. We ain't leaving you." Izzy said. They turned around and saw Izzy. "When I woke up I saw everyone laying there. So I left I just came back from where I'm hiding out. I heard the gunshots." He said. "Well! Let's get the hell out of here!" Mariah said. Izzy picked up Layla and they ran away from the bus. "You know Izzy. You're strong for kid." Layla said. "Well thanks I guess." He said smiling. "Where are we going?" Mariah asked. "Just follow me." He said. They ran up a little hill and walked into the place Izzy was holding out. It was a U-Haul rental. He opened a garage and they all went inside and he shut the garage. "We'll wait here for a little until your leg feels better." Izzy said. He took off his hoodie and gave it to Layla. Then he took his t-shirt and wrapped it around her wound. All he had was a tank top on. "Aren't you gonna be cold?" Mariah said. "I'll be fine, Plus Layla needs it more." He said. "Awe you're such a sweetheart, but a badass at the same time." Mariah said. "The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." Izzy said. Layla grinned. They all rested until they were ready to go.

Claire led the group deeper into the woods father from the bus. "What about Izzy and Janeè and Hailey?" Adrianna said. "They were gone when we all woke up." Claire explained. "Well wait about Layla, Mariah, Reggie, and Stephen?" Paola said. "They're..... Dead." Claire said. "It's just us guys." Anna said. They walked then found a road. They climbed up to the road and saw a sign. "U-Haul rental 2 miles." Amy pointed at the sign. They walked down the road towards the rental. "We're gonna get a truck and get to DC." Claire said. "What about Izzy, What if he's dead or we don't find him. Amy said. "I'll figure something out." Claire said. They walked silently down the road.

Janeè and Hailey walked behind the garages to their camp. "You're gonna be fine Hailey. I promise." Janeè said. There was a noise in the garage behind them. "Stay here. I'm gonna go check it out." Janeè whispered. She tiptoed towards the garage. She opened it and ran inside. She stopped as she saw Mariah, Izzy, and Layla. "Janeè! Are you with the others?" Mariah said. "No. But I'm with Hailey. But. She's bit." Janeè said. Hailey walked inside the garage holding her arm. "Let me use one of your guns. Please." Hailey said. "No Hailey stop!" Janeè screamed. Izzy handed her his pistol. "Thank you." She said crying. She walked outside crying. Janeè went to run after her but, they all held her back. The gunshot fired and Janeè fell to the ground crying. They buried her body and sat in silence. A trucks horn went off nearby. They all looked up. They heard people talking and laughing. They tiptoed over with their weapons in their hand. They all jumped out aiming their weapons at a girl. She screamed. It was Amy. They dropped their weapons. "Guys come here!" Amy yelled. Everyone walked over. They all huge and greeted eachother. "Where's Hailey?" Tyler said . "Dead." Janeè said. He stared at Janeè. He tackled her. She screamed. "It's your fault! You bitch!" He yelled. "It wasn't my fault you bastard! Get off!" She yelled. Bill picked him up. Tyler took out his knife and stabbed Bill in the heart. "Billllll!!" Adrianna said crying. Izzy grabbed him and threw him against the truck. He too out his pistol and pointed it at rulers head. "Leave or die." Izzy said. "Die. But you don't have the balls to kill me kid." Tyler said laughing. "Bet." Izzy said grinning. he shot Tyler and dropped him. Adrianna ran over to him and kicked him. "Bastard." She said. They all got in the truck and Claire drove off. "You okay?" Izzy asked Janeè. "Yeah I'm fine." She replied. Izzy walked over to Adrianna crying. "What's wrong?" Izzy asked. "I can't do this anymore a lot of my friends does today. I just can't. I know we're so close to saving the world and beating this, but I can't!" She said. "We could last 40 days without food, 2 days without water, 8 minutes without air, but not 2 seconds without hope." he said. She looked up. "Thank you." She said smiling. Izzy walked away and sat with the others. "Guys." Claire said scared. She pulled into a driveway. "We made it to DC!!!!!!!" She screamed. Everyone screamed!!!!! They were all exited. They got out the truck and walked into the house. It was empty. "DC is a mile away. But we're gonna explode it so we're staying here for safety." Claire said. They all rested. Izzy screamed "Who's ready to save the world tomorrow!" Everyone screamed "WOOOHOOOO!" After all they've been through they finally made it to DC.


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