CHAPTER 48: Unknown

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"Stay quiet guys." Claire said. They all nodded. They all tip-toed across the room. Then a loud alarm rang. The birds screeched and flew all over. "Goddamn! Runnn!" Layla screamed. They all ran across the room with birds flying over their heads. They started firing while running. It didn't do anything so they took out their marker weapons and started whacking them. They still didn't die, they were unstoppable. The birds surrounded Amy. She screamed as they pecked at her face. She dropped to the floor and the birds pecked and pecked. They pecked her eyes out and all her skin off of her face. She screamed and then she stopped. "AMMYYYY!" Layla yelled crying. They heard a loud blast and birds started to fall they were dying. A hooded figure stood on a balcony high up with a flamethrower. The figure pulled the trigger and fire blasted out at the birds. The figure swung the fire around and all the birds started. "Duckkkk!" Claire yelled. They all jumped to the ground and the fire exploded. All the birds fell to the floor burnt and on fire. Claire looked back up at the balcony and the hooded figure was gone. Layla ran to Amy's dead body. "Oh god." She said. She ran away and threw up. Her skin was all over the place. "Rest In Paradise Amy." Claire said crying. They all walked across the room slowly. They got to the other side and opened the doors. Claire was the last one to walk out. She looked back at the balcony and the figure was standing there watching them. "What! What the hell are you looking at god dammit!" She screamed. It turned around and walked away. "Who are you screaming at Claire?" Layla asked. "That hooded figure." She replied. "Come on." Layla said. She grabbed Claire's hand and dragged her out.

"They're near." The disembodied voice said. "I know. But we'll kill them. When they come we have our army." Another disembodied voice said. "Haha, they're gonna regret killing Charles, and regret coming down here. They're gonna regret everything." The first voice said. They both started to laugh.

Claire and the others walked down the bright hallway. They saw the room where everything was controlled. The people that led them down there, tormented them, and killed lots of their friends were right inside that room. "What are we waiting for. Let's go!" Layla said. "No!" Claire said. She put out her arm and stopped her. "Why? They need to die." Layla said. "Layla, who knows what weapons and things they have in there to kill us. We need a plan, a plan that try won't expect l. We need to make sure we're ready! Ready for everything that they have planned for us." Claire said. "She's right Layla." Alicia said. "Alright! Let's do this!" Jay said. He put his hand in the middle. Then Alicia and Natalie, then Danni and Adrianna, then Mariah, Claire and Layla. "Let's make this plan and kick their asses!" Layla yelled.


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