CHAPTER 43: Silent Cries

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Anna hopped up and pounced Luke. "Quick! Open the cell!" Natalie yelled. Tony just stood there. Natalie and Jay pulled open the bars. Danni kicked Anna off of Luke. She screamed and tackled Danni into the bars. Danni yelled in pain. Alicia grabbed Anna and threw her. Anna screamed and a gunshot fired. The bullet went right into the back of Anna's head. Anna dropped to the floor and Amber was standing there with her pistol pointed. She dropped the gun and fell to her knees. The madness was over. They all walked out the cell and back into the big stone room. The disembodied voice came on. "Awe, looks like you lost one of your friends." It said then it started laughing. "More of you are gonna end up like her. Enjoy your ride." It said. The floor opened and try all fell through the hole.

They all got up on the floor and they were in this dim room with colorful walls and openings all over. The voice came on again. "Welcome to my death funhouse labyrinth maze. Have fun." It said. Then it shut off. "Well. Which way?" Amber said. "Our choices are the green opening, orange opening, blue opening, or the grey opening. The yellow opening, red opening, pink opening, purple opening, black opening, white opening, and brown opening is sealed. " Alicia said. "Green!" Danni said. They walked inside the green opening and a door sealed them inside.

Green hall:

They walked down the green hallway. It turned left, then right, then straight, then left, then straight then left. The blue hallway was just on the other side of a ditch. It was about 10 feet deep, 4 feet wide, and 20 feet long. "Easy. we just go across." Tony said. Danni climbed across first, then Alicia, the Natalie, then Amber, the Jay, then Tony and lastly Luke. It was Luke's turn. He climbed across slowly. Then the floor opened and zombies were at the bottom reaching and grabbing at him. He screamed. The rope started to rip. "Luke hurry!!!" Amber screamed. He climbed across faster. The rope ripped even more. His foot slipped off the rope and a zombie grabbed it. "Ahhhh! Let go!" He screamed. The zombie pulled off his shoe and the rope ripped even more. The rope gave out and he fell into the zombies. He was getting ripped in pieces by the dozens of zombies. A dark red blood scattered all across the bright green walls. "Fuck you!!!" Alicia screamed. She took out her Molotov and threw it at the zombies. They all got lit on fire and was still ripping like and eating him. They walked away into the blue hallway.

Blue hall:

The hall went straight and then turned left into a wide hallway. It had a giant never ending pit with a steel beam across it. "This time it's not ladies first." Natalie said. The four girls looked back at Tony and Jay. "Fine I'll go." Tony said. "Be careful Tony!" Amber said. He took a first step across the beam. Then four giant pendulums with spikes all around it started to swing back and forth. Tony stood there confused. He walked passed the first one. Ge stood like a soldier and ran past the second one. Then he ran past the third one. Then the fourth one. He stood on the other side. After 10 minutes they all made it to the other side safely. They walked straight, then right, then left, then straight and they saw the end of the blue hall. They entered the room where they started. They walked to the orange opening and the blue door sealed behind them, then the orange.

Orange hall:

They turned right, then straight, then left, then left, then straight, then right, then right, then straight. They saw the grey hall up ahead. "Well that was easy." Amber said. She ran ahead if the group towards the grey hall when spikes popped up and killed her. "Amberrr!!!!!" Danni screamed. The spikes went right through her whole body. Blood dripped from the spikes. "Its a sensor." Natalie said. Alicia shot the sensor and the spikes went back into the ground and disappeared. Danni was crying. They walked away and Amber's body disappeared. "Where the hell did her body go!" Danni said screaming and crying. They left the orange and into the grey hall.

Grey hall:

They went straight and turned right and the hallway widened. It was a hopscotch game. There were animals all over the tile. They had to hop on them in alphabetical order. "I got this." Jay said. He hopped on the ant, then the cat, then the dog, then the elephant, then the fish, then the jaguar, then the kangaroo, then the mouse, then the rabbit, then the scorpion, then the zebra. They all followed in his footsteps and moved along. They walked out the grey hall into the room and the orange and grey hall sealed. The black door opened and inside it was a rainbow spiral.

There was a monorail waiting for them. They got in and there were 8 seats. 4 on one side and 4 on the other. They all got on and a metal bar came out over their head like a rollercoaster safety bar. They out it on and buckled the belt and the doors shut. The monorail blasted off and and flew everywhere. They got flung all over the place. It stopped out of no where. The seat belts flung open and so did the doors. They walked out and they all fell down into a hole. They were in a giant cage over a lava pit.


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