CHAPTER 30: Road Trip

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"Noooo. Bioncaaaa!" The boy screamed. "We have to kill her." Izzy said. "You're not touching her!" He yelled. He grabbed Izzy and slung him. Izzy pulled out the knife and put it right on his neck. "Just because I'm a kid, does not mean you should mess with me." He said angrily. He pulled the knife away. "Leroy shut up! She's gone okay!" A girl yelled. "No Adrianna. Shut up!" Bionca hopped up and bit his neck. He pulled away and fell to the floor. The baby fell out the womb and started crawling towards Izzy. Izzy lifted up his foot and smashed the baby's head. It's head turned flat and it's brain squashed all over the place. Blood went everywhere and Adrianna threw up. Bionca screeched and ran at Izzy. He took out his sword and sliced her head off. "No." Leroy said lifelessly. He shut his eyes and died. Izzy put his sword away and walked over to him. He picked Leroy up by his throat. He squeezed his throat harder and harder. He came back as a zombie and was trying to get Izzy. He squeezed it even hard and Leroy's head popped off and rolled on the floor. Blood went all over Izzy and everything around them. Adrianna threw up again. It looked like a blood fest. Everything covered in blood. They all walked out into the other room with the others. "Alright, let's get going." Adrianna said. They all walked outside onto the school bus. "I'll drive." Claire said. Everyone picked a seat and Claire drove off. They had a conversation.

Their conversation:

Adrianna: "I'm Adrianna."

Janeè: "I'm Janeè."

Danni: "Im Danielle or Danni."

Jocelyn: "I'm Jocelyn."

Amber: "I'm Amber"

Hailey: "I'm Hailey."

Jani: "I'm Jani."

Herta: "I'm Herta."

Paola: "I'm Paola."

Reggie: "I'm Reggie."

Stephen: "I'm Stephen."

Tyler: "I'm Tyler."

Bill: "I'm Bill the bus driver."

Izzy: "Nice to meet you all."

Adrianna: "Bionca and Leroy are the others that. You know. Didn't make it."

Amy: "Yeah."

End of conversation.

Izzy walked over to the front of the bus. They had a conversation.

Their conversation:

Izzy: "Hey."

Claire: "Why?"

Izzy: "What?"

Claire: "Why'd you do that. To the baby, to the girl, to that boy"

Izzy: "I had too."

Claire: "No Izzy. You can't just do that."

Izzy: "Well I did. I did what I had too."

Claire: "Izzy! Your still a kid you can't do stuff like that!"

Izzy: "I'm not a kid. I may be at the age of a kid but I'm not and I don't act like one. This apocalypse changed everything and everyone in it. I will do anything and everything to keep all of us safe! Understand where I'm coming from?"

Claire: "Yes Izzy. I understand."

End of conversation.

"Alright guys! Let's have some fun on this road trip!!!!" Izzy yelled. Everyone screamed. Claire put in a cd and they all had fun and talked. "Welcome to Maryland!!!" Claire yelled. Everyone shouted "yayyyyy!!!!" Claire was driving when a horde was walking across the road. "Shittt!" She yelled. She swerved an the bus turned and flipped over and over and over. It rolled down a hill into the woods. Everyone flipped around inside the bus. The fun road trip came to end. It quickly became a death trip.


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