CHAPTER 27: Dead Or Alive Pt. 1

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"Well. What the hell do we do?" Amy asked. Izzy shrugged and said "I don't know." The zombies starting banging on the door. "Hey." A voice whispered. They all looked around confused. A figure stepped out from behind a giant vent. "Mariah?!" Johnny yelled. Mariah replied "Oh my god! Johnny!" She ran over to him and hugged him. "I thought you died after you ran away. Loren ran after you, but she couldn't find you and came back bit." he said. "What! Loren's dead! And I just kept traveling north and found this roof. So I stayed." she said. "I hate to interrupt but umm you know zombies are breaking through right?" Izzy said. She looked at him. "Okay follow me!" She yelled. They all ran towards a billboard that went from the building to another one. "That's the only way." she said. Izzy walked over first with the baby. Mariah went over, then Johnny, and then Amy. Claire was right behind Amy. The billboard broke and they both went falling. Amy screamed. Claire took out her grappling hook. She shot it and it hooked onto the building. She grabbed Amy and they flew up. Amy was terrified rocking back and forth. They went through down the ladder into the alley. They walked down the alley into the main road and walked across a bridge. While they were walking down the road they had a conversation.

Their conversation:

Mariah: "So Johnny you're the only one who survived."

Johnny: "No, but Raven, Christine, and Loren didn't."

Mariah: "Raven?"

Johnny: "Yeah."

Mariah: "Where's everyone else."

Johnny: "We got separated so we're meeting them on the highway."

Mariah: "Who are they?"

Johnny: "My friends, come meet them!"

Johnny: "Everyone, this is my old friend Mariah."

Claire: "What's up I'm Claire."

Amy: "Hi! I'm Amy."

Izzy: "Hey I'm Izzy."

Alyssa: "Goo goo gaa gaa."

Izzy: "And this is baby Alyssa."

Mariah: "Well hi everyone. And hi little cutie! Is she yours?"

Izzy: "Nooo haha I'm only 13. It's Leah's daughter."

Mariah: "Who's Leah?"

Johnny: "You'll meet everyone else when we get to them."

Mariah: "Well what are you guys doing up here?"

Claire: "Izzy, Amy, Johnny, Tony , and Anna are immune and have the cure to save the world. We're getting to DC to make it and kill the people who made this."

Mariah: "People made this!?"

Izzy: "Yeah, this psycho nigga named Charles."

Mariah: "You mind if I come?"

Amy: "Of course! The more people the better."

Mariah: "Well who's in your group?"

Izzy: "Me, Claire, Amy, Johnny, Tasharra, Leah, Dash, Bob, Anna, Tony, Layla, and now you!"

Mariah: "Cool!"

End of conversation

Izzy handed Claire the baby. "I'm starting to feel dizzy. Take the baby." he said. Mariah replied "Are you okay?!?" Right after that he fainted. "Shit! Izzy!" Amy said. Johnny replied "he's burning up!" "Guys! Zombies!" They turned around and the horde of zombies were racing towards them. Amy and Johnny picked Izzy up. They started running, but not fast enough. The zombies were getting closer and closer. "What the fuck do we do!!!" Mariah yelled. Claire bent down and opened the manhole to the sewer. "Get the hell in!" She screamed. Amy was shooting some of the zombies as they hopped in. Johnny and Mariah hopped in. The Claire handed them the baby and Izzy. Amy hopped in then Claire went in and shut the manhole. "Ew. It just had to be the sewers." Mariah said. Izzy was still fainted. Claire checked his pulse. "His heartbeat is getting slower!" She shrieked. "We need to get him to Bob .. Fast!" Amy was crying. "This can't be happening. First Sara now Izzy. Why?" she said to herself. The sewers started to rumble and shake. Mariah, Johnny, Amy, and Claire all looked at eachother. They all knew what it was.


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