CHAPTER 61: The Toll Of The Bells

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They all walked through the dark tunnel and entered the city. Everything was deserted and empty. Cars were on fire and flipped over. Some building were on fire. There was blood everywhere. The Ferris Wheel was sunk into the water as well as the pier. It was quiet, dead silent as they walked.

"The airport is on the other side of the city. If we can get there, there should be a helicopter that we can use to escape." Lana said.

They all walked as Izzy and Leon carried Claire because she was too weak. They all walked silently down the street, but all of a sudden screeches echoed. Alicia turned around and sa zombies running at them.

"SHIT LETS GO!" Alicia yelled.

"They're coming at us from all directions!" Mariah yelled.

"Split up!!!" Bernadette yelled.

"NO, we are not splitting up!" Alicia yelled.

"Yes! Split up and everyone meet at the entrance of the airport! Just head where those search lights are!" She said pointing to the search lights.

Everyone ran and split up.

Layla and Lana went down one street.

Leon, Izzy, and Claire went down another street.

Jay and Alicia went down another street.

Mariah, Emily, Alyssa and Bernadette into a house.

Adrianna ran into the church.

Layla and Lana ran down the street and ended up in a dead end.

"I hope you're ready to fight." Layla said.

"Born ready." Lana said.

Lana took out her dirk and Layla lifted up her knife hand and started stabbing and slicing the zombies. More and more kept coming.

"They keep coming get in this house!" Layla said.

The two ran to the house. Lana opened up the garage and the both entered. Then Lana slammed it shut. Layla turned and saw something covered in a tarp. She ripped the tarp and a quad was underneath.

"I have an idea." Layla said grinning.

Layla grabbed the keys next to it and started it up.

"Here." Layla said.

She tossed Lana a pistol.

"Open up the garage door. Hop on. And shoot those bastards." Layla said.

"You have one hand!" Lana resisted.

"Doesn't mean a thing." Layla said grinning.

Lana nodded and opened up the garage door. They were close. Lana hopped on and Layla drive out. Lana shot zombies while Layla drove out.

"Lana! Shoot the gas can. We drove by!" Layla yelled.

Lana aimed at the gas tank and it exploded. Fire spread and all the zombies burned in it. They drove in circles killing the remaining zombies.

Leon and Izzy carried Claire up to a big tree.

"Leon! Get Claire up there. I'll fend them off!" Izzy said.

Leon picked Claire up and helped her climb the tree. Izzy shot all the zombies with his sniper rifle.

"Izzy! I'm up. Hurry!" Leon yelled.

Izzy turned and climbed the tree. All the zombies surrounded them as they were in the tree.

"What now?" Leon asked.

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