CHAPTER 26: Inner Killer

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They all stared at him and the girls head. Izzy pulled out his sword slowly. Everyone else took out their guns. He dropped the girls head and ran at them. They all ran towards a big dark room and shut the doors. "Look around guys!" Claire said. They all split up. Amy was looking on a desk and heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and pulled out her gun. "Whoaaa. Calm down it's only me." Izzy said. Izzy looked at him relieved. She went back to searching the desk. "I'm going in the next room. Be careful!" he said. He opened the door and went into the next room. The baby started crying. He gave her the pacifier and she stopped. Mike snuck up behind him and hit him in the head with a wooden board. Izzy fell but ran back up into a dark closet. Mike locked him in. Izzy found the switch and turned on the light. All the zombies looked and ran towards him. He took out his sword and sliced them all. He tried to get out, but he couldn't.

"Amy...." Mike whisperer in her ear. She turned around and the gun was pointed right towards her. "Mike please. Please don't do this." she cried. "Sorry sweetie." he laughed with an evil smile. "Mike! Put the fucking gun down!" A voice came from behind. "Ah Sara, good to see you, you bitch." he said. "Mike. You don't have to do this. Why would you kill us. We're like family, all of us. Why." she said. "Because! You dumbasses kicked me out. This is how revenge works." he said. "We had to Mike. After what you did. For our lives, we did it to live." she said. "Sorry hun." he said. He pulled the trigger and the bullet went right into Sara's heart. "Nooooo! Sara!" Amy screamed. He turned around ready to shoot Amy, but when he turned around Izzy sliced his head off. Amy ran to Sara's body crying. A year went down Izzy's left cheek. Claire and Johnny came darting in, and froze in shock. "We have to get her to Bob. Come on guys." Amy said crying. Izzy like at her. "Come on Izzy why are you just standing there!" He stared at her and said nothing. She looked at him betrayed. "Amy. She got shot in the heart. There's nothing we can do!" he yelled back at her, "But.. But it's Sara." she said. She started crying on Sara. "K.kkeeep goinggg guuguguyss. I I lo." Sara said spitting up blood. Sara laid there dead. "No." Amy whimpered. More tears rolled down Izzy's cheeks. Izzy handed Claire Alyssa. He went over to any and put his hand on get shoulder. She looked up in tears. He nodded at her then she nodded back. He knelt down over Sara and gave her a hug. Then he shut her eyes. They took a cloth and put it over her body. Then they put another one over mikes.

Zombies started breaking through the door. "Come on. To the roof!" Johnny yelled. Amy replied "okay, but I need a minute." They all ran up the stairs and Amy stayed. "Sara. I love you sis. And I'm coming to be with you. She took out her pistol and held it towards her head. A hand grabbed her gun out her hand. She looked up and it was Izzy. "You're not dying that easy." He said grinning. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the roof. Izzy shut the door and looked around. They were trapped on the roof. "Greattt. Mike's inner killer side killed Sara and Amy is trying to go suicide and zombies are making their way up here and now, we're trapped." Izzy said. Amy gave him a dirty look then they smile at eachother. Claire handed Alyssa back to Izzy and she smiled. He smiled back. But they were still trapped.


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