CHAPTER 21: Blood, Cries, And Lies

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Izzy woke up at 3:00 so he laid there. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the young girl coming with a knife. She swung the knife down. Izzy rolled over and kicked her. "What the hell is wrong with you!" he said. She lunged at him and jumped on him. He kneed her in her stomach and kicked her off. He went to go punch her, but she tripped him. She punched him in the face 3 times. "You shouldn't of done that." Izzy said laughing. He punched her across the face 4 times then grabbed her hair and slung her into a shelf. She grabbed a bat nearby and hit Izzy in the shoulder with it. He fell to the ground. She was about to hit him in the face with the bat, but he grabbed it and swung it back at her. It hit her face and the shelf fell on her. She was stuck. "Let's have a little fun with you." he said. He took a gas pump and put it in her mouth. He put gas in her mouth and all over her. He picked her up and lit her face on fire. She screamed and ran out the tent in fire. Everyone woke up to the screams and grabbed their weapons and went outside. The girls husband screamed "kill them all!" He threw water on her and she laid there. He tried to break into the tent to kill Izzy ,but he shut it. He sat there next to his wife saying he was gonna kill Izzy. Then Izzy sliced his head off. The girl laid there crying. "I don't play anymore." Izzy mumbled. Right after that he stabbed her in her head.

Izzy ran towards the chopper. There were three men shooting from behind it. Izzy sliced one guys head off, then stabbed another guys face, then kicked the last guy and pulled out his pistol and shot him. Izzy put his katana away then entered the chopper. He shot the guy firing the machine gun. Then he shot the two pilots at the same time. Izzy took the machine gun and brung it to their side. He went back to the chopper to kill anyone else. "Call two other choppers for back up." a man said. A woman replied "on it!" Izzy took out his sword again and sliced the mans head off. Then he raced towards the girl. Another girl attacked him from behind cause his katana to fall out his hand. They laughed at him. "Soon you won't be laughing." Izzy said grinning. He took out his dagger and stabbed her in the head. Then he tripped the other girl and shot her in the head, then he took the keys for the chopper. In the back if the chopper he saw Mike as a hostage. He ran in and sliced everyone. He cut the ropes that were tied on Mike. After that there were no more gunshots. The fight was over. They all circled in the middle. "It's over and everyone's alive, thank god." Claire said. Izzy replied "it's not over yet." He pointed at the door and zombies were breaking through. "Everyone get you shit. We're stealing the chopper and getting out if here." Claire yelled. Izzy yelled back "Claire wait! You need these." He smiled and threw there keys at her. "Everyone GO GO GO GO!" Raven yelled. Everyone ran to the tents and got all the supplies they needed as Claire started up the chopper. Everyone was running back and the zombies broke through. They all fired while running to the chopper. Izzy was still in the tent. He came out with 6 bags of supplies on him. Izzy threw the supplies on board and went to go help Amy. She was surrounded and Izzy helped her. They heard barking and zombie dogs broke through. Izzy was going back to the chopper and David was defending him. The chopper started lifting off. "David come on get on!" Leah yelled. He replied "wait babe I'm helping Izzy!" She nodded. Izzy was running shooting the zombies with his duel pistols. A zombie was approaching Izzy from behind and he didn't know. It was zombie Angelise. "Izzy! Look Out!" Johnny yelled. He turned around and shot her in the face. The dead zombie fell on him and the chopper rose higher. "Izzy Nooooo!" Sara yelled. Bob looked sickened at Izzy. "David. Come on!" Leah yelled. He ignored her. Izzy crawled back up and ran to the chopper. He jumped up mad Raven, Bob, Johnny, Amy, Leah, and Sara pulled him up. "David! Let's go!" Sara yelled. He replied "okay!" He jumped up and they all pulled him up. He was just about to get aboard and a zombie dog jumped up and bit his head off. blood splattered all over them. "DAVIDDDDD NOOOOOOO!" Leah cried. They all let go ,but Leah didn't. She held on to him crying. "Leah.. Let go.. He's gone.." Izzy said sadly. She looked at him crying tears. "Please forgive me... I love you." She said. she let go and he fell onto the rooftop. Zombies ate him and ripped him up. She threw up.

Izzy went to the back and the leader was there. "Put your weapons down Izzy, or I'll shoot." the leader said. Izzy out his weapons down and said "so you're the one in charge of this cluster fuck." In the back Leah whispered give me the hunting rifle. She took it and aimed at his leg. She shot him and he screamed. Izzy picked up his weapons and dragged him to the front. They all had a conversation.

Their conversation:

Izzy: "You, you're an evil man."

Leader: "No. I'm. Not."

Sara: "Why the hell would you try to kill us like that?"

Leah: "Yeah you fucking stupid ass bitch. My boyfriend is dead because of your pussy ass and your bitch crew!"

Raven: "Calm down Leah."

Leader: "Oh, so Mike didn't tell you?"

Amy: "Tell us what?"

Mike: "Nothing!"

Anna: "No Mike tell us."

Mike: "No Anna!"

Tony: "Fine then you tell us."

Leader: "Well, your friend Mike here is a liar and a trader."

Mike: "Shit the hell up!"

Leader: "When me and Mike were on the radio, he told me that there were many of you. But. there was only room for one more passenger. So he said to take him and we could kill all of you and take your supplies."

Izzy: "What the fuck Mike! You were planning on killing us?"

Claire: "You could've at least told him that we know a way to find a cure!"

Leader: "Claire?"

Claire: "Nick! You bastard. This is Charles bestfriend! He helped him and is trying to kill us."

Layla: "You're a coward!"

Nick: "Claire, I know you're gonna kill me. But listen. Charles tricked you to go get the other 4 to try and kill you. You only need 4 immune to make the cure and it doesn't matter which."

Claire: "That sounds like Charles."

Dash: "For Christ sake what about the trader here."

Leah: "Mike you son of a bitch I'm gonna kill you!"

Bob: "No Leah no. Come in the back with me okay?"

Leah: "Okay."

Johnny: "So much shit is going on, I'm confused.

Izzy: "Alright, we're just gonna throw the Nick off of here."

Nick: "Watch when I land I'm gonna contact Charles and tell him that your coming. So he can kill all of you!"

Izzy: "Yeah yeah bye nigga."

End of conversation

Izzy pushed him out. When he pulled the parachute cord there was no parachute so he fell to his death. "Mike we'll deal with you later." Claire said. Layla replied "tie him up, we can't trust him!" They tied him up in the back. "Why don't we just throw him out. Nick said you only need 4 immune." Dash said. Claire replied. "Just wait until we land then we'll decide." They all agreed. They all say there silently.

An hour later they were sitting in the chopper talking. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" Leah said. Claire replied "We have to land we're out of gas. They landed and they were in the middle if no where. "Where the hell are we?" Layla said. Raven replied "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling."


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