CHAPTER 10: Fancy Zombies

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"Hey come back, please!" Amy said. Sara replied "GODDAMNT they're not coming back." They all stood there on the roof of the building. Izzy sat down and said "after all we've been through to get here and now this. Ugh." Mike walked away to the other end of the roof. Sara to the opposite side. Amy went to where the ladder was. "Guys! We can't just give up like this. Lets get to the mansion that's where the chopper is headed." Izzy said. Amy came back to the middle and said "yea we are a team and teams don't give up until they reached their goal!" Mike came running back and said "we are unstoppable and we will get to that mansion. Sara still stayed where she was. They all sighed. She turned around smiling and she ran and hugged them. "I'm in! Let's go!" she said.

Izzy grabbed his bat and his rifle. Amy grabbed her crowbar and her two pistols. Mike grabbed his chainsaw and his AK-47. And Sara grabbed her axe and her shotgun. They opened the door to the stairwell. Mike walked down first, then Sara, then Izzy, then Amy. They walked down the first 2 flights and opened the door into the hall. They were in the business offices. They turned the corner and about 10 zombies were there. Izzy bashed one of the zombies heads. Sara used her shotgun and shot two. Amy shot three zombies. And Mike used his chainsaw and killed the rest. The went into the North stairwell. They walked down the next 4 flights. They were in apartments. They walked through them and went down another flight of stairs. There was an elevator working so they went in it.

Beep. Beep. The elevator was working fine they reached the first floor. The power went out and it was pitch black. "Shit. Amy use your crowbar to open the doors. She used it and the doors opened. They ran out into the restaurant as the zombies raced towards them. "Quick get in the safe room." Sara screamed. They ran in and shut the metal door. "Well that was easy." Amy said. Izzy replied "it sure was."

They got what they needed and exited the safe room into the streets. They walked down Riverside Ave. They followed the abandoned road. "Look the road is blocked off. Shit what now?" Amy said. Izzy replied "we can cut through The Riverside Apartments." They all agreed and went into the once beautiful but creepy apartments. They walked inside the first apartment because the door was open. There was nothing on the first floor so they went upstairs. There was a big hole in the wall into the next apartment so they went in. They went through 5 more apartments until they reached a problem. They had to go through a slide door to get outside and the door had a security system. "Get ready." Mike said. He shot the door with his AK-47. They all ran out into the giant backyard of the apartments while the alarm was ringing. Zombies can from all directions. They ran to the end of the backyard where the safe room was. It was in a small treehouse. Amy climbed up first, then Sara, then Mike, and then Izzy last. Izzy ran in and shit the door. "Phewww we made it." Sara said breathing heavily.

Izzy sat down for a minute. "Jesus I can't breathe." he said. Sara replied "Its fine just catch your breathe, we'll wait for you." He caught his breathe, stood up, opened the door, and said "I'm readddyyyyy." and laughed. They all laughed too. They walked out the door and saw the river. "Doesn't the river lead right next to the mansion?" Amy said. Mike replied "yea it does. Let's follow it." They walked in the cold, dark, shallow water. The river flowed through the woods so it was even more creepy. They looked around and saw a water mill. "Oh great." Sara said. It was right in their path to the mansion. The door was open so they walked in. The only way to get past it was to open the doors. To open the doors they had to open the flood gates and make the water flow into the water wheel to turn on the power and then the doors would open. "Alright I'm gonna press this button and we're gonna run to the doors. Got it?" Mike said. They all replied "got it!" Mike pushed the button and they started running. Beeeeeppppp. The flood gates opened and the water came rushing in towards the water wheel. They ran down to the 3rd level as the electricity came on. All these machines turned on and the doors opened. Zombies came running in at them screaming. They ran down to the second level and one of the zombies hit the button. The floodgates stared to close. "Shit we gotta go it's closing. They got to the first level and the water wheel stopped. The doors were closing and Izzy, then Amy, then Sara, then Mike slid under. the doors closed and they made it out. They saw the mansion in the distance. They were relieved that they made it. The safe room was in the shed. They ran inside and shut the door. "Yesss hurry up we gotta get rescued!" Mike said. They opened the door and saw the chopper landed right in the back. The went up to it and saw the pilots face eaten off by the zombies. Amy shot the zombies eating his face and said "holy shit! So much for flying out of here." Amy sighed. Mike replied "maybe there's an evacuation center further in the mansion." They walked down the main hall into the ball room. The evacuation center was destroyed. Every one was dead. They all walked out to Main Street. "Look a safe room in the raceway!" Amy said. They walked in the door and Sara said "we can fill up one of the race cars with gas and drive out of here. They all ran out the safe room, filled up the car and drove off. "Yesssssss we made it out!" Izzy screamed. They finally escape the fancy zombies.


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