CHAPTER 9: The New Folks

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In Williamsburg Virginia the infection was much worse. 95% of the city's population was wiped out. The remaining 5% were still alive. Izzy walked down the path in the woods with his bat, Amy with her pistol, Sara with her shotgun, and Mike with his chainsaw. "Where are we gonna go?" Izzy said. Mike replied "well we are immune but we still have to be careful. So we'll go through the poor side of the city, then cross the bridge to the rich side where the evacuation centers are." They had a plan so they walked through the woods to the city. "We finally made it, lets go!" Sara said.

They walked through the alley next to the police staton. "Sara, check this house." Mike said. She walked inside to the living room. It was empty so was the kitchen. She walked up the creaky stairs and went into the first bedroom. It was also empty so she went into the other bedroom. It was a kids bedroom with a bunk bed. She turned around and saw the dead kids. She fell back on a board and a bucket went flying out the window. It hit the police station window and the alarm went off. "Shit shit, shit, SHITTTT!" Sara said. She ran back down the stairs an out into the alley. Zombies were running at them as they ran down the alley. Thy all exited the alley and Izzy shut the gate and locked it. They were hitting the gates screaming trying to get them. "Look for a way out guys! Izzy you stay at the gate and make sure none of them get in!" Mike said. Amy, Sara, and Mike looked around for a way out. Amy screamed but only Izzy heard her. He turned around and ran to her. This zombie lady with tentacles was pulling Amy to her. Izzy took out his bad and bashed we brains out, "You alright Amy?" He said. She replied "yea I'm good." After that Sara interrupted "I found a way out come on!" They all ran to the door she was holding open. The zombies broke through the gates as Amy shut the door. They ran through the tiny, narrow hall.

Mike stopped and said "you hear that?" It was a rumbling noise. Amy replied "shit! they're bombing the bridge so nobody can get to the rich side!" Sara replied "those aren't bombs ..." Then all of a sudden a giant beast with swords, knives, and daggers in its back came down from the ceiling. "Shitttt! RUN! Izzy said. They all ran to the exit door. They ran out and Sara shut the door behind her. She held it back. The beast punched the door open and Sara flew to a car. She hit it an the alarm went off. Even more zombies came at them. Izzy ran to Sara and helped her up. They started to run across the bridge. They were running as fast as they could. The beast punched an ambulance truck at them. Izzy pushed Amy out the way just in time. Two jets flew by in the air and bombed the bridge. It started collapsing as they were running across. The beast started to throw swords at them, Sara looked back and leaned and dodged it. "Run faster!" Amy screamed. The beast punched a car and Mike but he dodged it. Mike started to slow down because he got hit in the stomach with a dagger. The other end of the bridge started to collapse. Sara jumped on the side metal supporters of the bridge. So did Amy then Izzy. Mike jumped on the supporters just as the entire bridge collapsed. The beast fell in the water. "Holy shit we just went around the block and almost got killed." Amy said.

They went into the alley to climb up the Williamsburg Building Complex. That was where the first evacuation center was. they climbed up and when they got to the top Izzy broke the ladder and it fell all the way down. They turned around and the evacuation center chopper was flying off. They ran as fast as they could but they missed it. That was their only chance out of Williamsburg Virginia.


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