CHAPTER 14: Hells Forest Pt. 1

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"We're almost there guys!" Amy said happily. The boat headed towards the docks and parked there. Amy and Izzy hopped off the boat made sure the docks were empty. "Clear." Izzy hollered. Sara and Mike jumped off the boat and focused their weapons all over the docks and then lowered them. "Thank you so much for getting us across the lake." Amy said to the sailor. He replied "your welcome, stay safe!" as he drove to boat away. They walked down the empty docks toward the campsite. They heard a boat horn go off. They turned around and saw that a zombie pressed the horn button. Zombies came from boats all around them. "Ahhhhh, help mee pleaseee helppp. Ahhhh!" A girl screamed. Izzy turned around and screamed "guys! I think we have a bigger problem!" They all turned around and saw the girl getting cut into pieces by a crazy zombie with a chainsaw as his hand. The zombie looked up at them and ran to them. He cut every zombie in his way into pieces. The chainsaw guy swung his hand at Amy's face. She ducked down and kicked out her leg. The chainsaw guy tripped over and swung his arm at Sara. She jumped to the side onto the floor and fired at him. Mike went up behind him with his axe and pounded his head with it. Izzy attached a chain to him and the boat. Then he jumped in the boat and started it. The boat started to drive into the lake. Izzy jumped off the deck of the boat onto the dock. He was getting dragged across the dock and getting closer and closer to the water. He started to cut the dock in half. He fell in the water and the side that Izzy was standing on collapsed. Izzy jumped to the other side and started to slip. Mike grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Well, that was scary as hell." Sara said. They walked down the rest of the docks. They saw stairs the went up and inland. The got up the stairs and saw the entrance to the campsite. There was a safe room inside a trailer. They entered and shut the door. "I just wanna stay in here, I'm scared of what the hell is out there." Amy said. Izzy replied "don't worry, we're always ready for anything and everything." They all nodded and looked at the door to the campsite.

Izzy walked up to the door and opened it slowly. The walked out and saw trailers and tents everywhere. There were little fire pits around too. They walked over to a ladder onto a trailer. "We have to walk on top of these trailers to get behind that wall." Mike explained. They hopped on top of the trailers and jumped over the wall to the other side. The trailers were in a big circle. "We have to look in every one of these to find the way to the forest." Sara said. Izzy replied "wait, do you guys hear that?" It was a buzzing sound and it sounded like a chainsaw. They all turn around and there he was. The chainsaw zombie standing on top of a trailer. "Back for more?" Izzy said. He jumped down swinging his chainsaw. "GUYSS!" Amy screamed. They turned around and saw another zombie like him, but instead he had a claw for his hand. "HE HAS A FRIEND?!" Sara yelled. Mike replied "Izzy and Sara you guys take care of claw dude, and me and Amy will take care of chainsaw freak! GOO!" Amy ran up in front of him and teased him. He swung the chainsaw at her and she did a back handspring. Then Mike jumped on his back, took out his dagger and stabbed him in the head. He cried in pain and flung Mike onto a trailer. "Shit Mike! You alright." Amy screamed. He replied "Yeah I'm good. Just finish him off!" As Amy was talking he grabbed her. As he was about to stab her a mysterious figure went flying across the campsite and grabbed her. The mysterious figure dropped her off onto the floor then ran to the chainsaw zombie. The figure was girl. She took out machete and cut the chainsaw off. He screamed in terror. She looked at Amy and said "finish him off." She took it a grappling hook and flew out of there. Amy ran to the chainsaw. She picked it up swung it at his face. He let out a little scream

and then stopped moving. He was finally dead. Amy ran and helped Mike up. "Help us!" Sara screamed. Amy and Mike ran to Sara and Izzy. The claw zombie looked over at the dead chainsaw dude. He pushed them all out the way and ran out from the campsite. He knocked one of the trailers down. "Look the way to the woods." Izzy said. They ran over to a safe room inside a cabin. They ran in and shut the door. "Pheww, I can't breathe." Amy said. They looked at a sign at the door and it said WARNING NOW ENTERING HELLS FOREST. "Is it really called that?" Amy said. Mike replied "no it's just people messing with us." "Or is it a warning?" Izzy said. The all Looked out at the forest puzzled and scared, but they were ready.


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