CHAPTER 55: Death Upon

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"Get into the trees!" Lana yelled.

"Alyssa! Come on." Izzy yelled.

Izzy cupped his hands and boosted Alyssa up into the tree. Layla followed up, then Lana climbed up after. Izzy jumped up and Lana and Layla pulled him up. THey climbed up until they were about 10 feet above the ground.

They sat until the horde finally passed. They glanced around to look which way the plane was.

"Anyone remember where the plane was?" Layla laughed nervously.

"No, but look!!" Alyssa yelled pointed at smoke coming out from the horizon.

"We should head there, but we need to be careful. Could be a native camp, and they're dangerous. We need to approach slowly. But lets stay up here and rest for awhile the sun will be setting soon." Lana said.

The three nodded and sat in the trees.

"Alyssa how'd you survive and find us?" Layla asked.

"Well..." Alyssa said.

*Alyssa's Story*

I woke up against a tree and I could'nt move or talk. It hurt like hell.

The plane was ahead of me and I saw all of you on top of it. I thought you guys were leaving me.

I tried to scream but nothing came out. Then I saw you guys fall back into the plane. I was confused and scared.

Then one of the flesheaters came towards me. I could'nt move or run away. I was gonna die. That's what i thought at least.

Then a young blonde girl came and killed it for me, she saved me with her sword. She had two kinda like yours at home. She was nice, but i could'nt see her face because she wore a black hood, all I saw was her blonde hair flowing.

She didnt speak. her hand reached out and she helped me up. She gave me an Advil and gave me a high five. She then walked away into the jungle. She turned and pointed at you three escaping the plane. I turned and saw you running away. I turned back and she was gone.

I ran after you guys and found you, thats how I'm here with you.

*End of Story*

The wind blew rapidly and thunder rolled.

"We need to go find that place, this storm is close and it's bad. I hope your friends find some shelter cause this monsoon isn't pretty." Lana said.

They hopped down from the trees branch by branch and then reached the ground. The smoke stopped, but it was coming from the West. They walked through the jungle and reached where the smoke was coming from. It was a small hut. The sky was dark because it was covered by dark storm clouds.

"There lights on." Izzy said.

"Leave this to me." Alyssa said.

Alyssa snuck up to the front door with the gun behind her back.

"What is she doing!" Lana yelled whispering.

"Leave her, she's smart and is hella good with a gun." Izzy replied whispering.

Alyssa knocked on the door 3 times. The door opened slowly and a young blonde girl stood in the door way.

"Little girl?!: She spoke.

"You're the one who saved me!" Alyssa said and gave her a hug.

"Guys, come out." Alyssa called out.

The three came out pointing their guns around.

"She's the one who saved me!" Alyssa said.

"Thank you!" Izzy said and gave her a hug.

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