CHAPTER 39: Horror Below

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Bob, Alicia, Amber, and Luke ran into the labs. They shut the doors and walked around. There was blood everywhere. The disembodied voice came on. "Hello. This Is where we do horrible experiments with gods creatures." The voice said. "You're a sick son of a bitch whoever you are!" Amber said. "I don't like that tone." It said. Then it shut off. "Stupid bitch." Amber murmured. They walked out the room and into a hallway. "Left or right?" Bob asked. "Right, I guess." Alicia said. They turned right and entered this room. Right when they entered the room the fell in a hole. It was a square room with dirty brown walls. Then a loud squeak noise came from the walls. They started to close in on them. The voice came on again. "I told you I don't like your tone. Now here's your consequence." It said. It laughed and then it shut off. "I have an idea. You guys climb out. I'll lift you up and you guys escape!" Bob said. First he lifted up Alicia. She crawled out the hole and then helped Amber get out. The walls were closing faster. Luke went up and crawled out. "Okay Bob. Give me your hand." Alicia said. He looked up at her. "No Alicia. I have nothing to live for anymore." He said. "Noooo! Bob!" Alicia screamed. The walls closed in on him and squashed him. Blood went all over the place. They walked out the room and walked silently down the hall. They went through a door and they ended up back where everyone got split up. They opened the stairwell door and headed up the flights of stairs. "It's my fault." Amber said. "What is?" Alicia replied. "Bob died, because of me." She said. "No. He decided to stay, he could've made out if he wanted to." Luke said. "I still feel guilty." Amber said. They opened the door and entered the hallway. It was hallway filled with zombies inside of water tanks. Then something fell behind them. They all turned and saw what it was. It was....


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