CHAPTER 35: Code Zero

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2 years after the world was saved;

Claire walked into the kitchen silently and started to pack some food. Everyone stared at her puzzled. "What are you doing?" Izzy asked. "I'm going in a trip. A very important trip." She replied. "Where?" Layla asked. Claire looked at her. "You don't need to know or worry. I'll be fine." Claire said. She zippered the bag and was walking to the door. They had a quick conversation.

Their conversation:

Izzy: "Claire wait!"

Claire: "What Izzy?!"

Izzy: "Listen I know that it's been two years after it ended, and I know you're a little paranoid, but you need to let us know where you're going!"

Claire: "It's not that I'm paranoid, I just didn't wanna tell you. But you're right. I'm going to the Great Plains.

Amy: "Why there?"

Claire: "Long story short. There's a giant facility under the Great Plains. It takes up 50% of the Great Plains underneath. There's been a trace of zombies underneath there. I hired some recruits and we're heading down there to find the source, set bombs, and destroy it."

Amber: "I'm in!"

Claire: "No Amber!"

Adrianna: "I'm in too."

Danni: "Me too!"

Anna: "I'm in too!"

Tony: "Me as well!"

Amy: "I'm coming!!!"

Mariah: "Oh girl I'm in!"

Claire: "Fine! You guys can come but that's it!"

Layla: "One more is coming! Wink wink!"

Claire: "Ughhh!"

Bob: "I'm coming. You need a medic in case."

Layla: "True!"

Izzy: "I'm coming! You need me, you know you do!"

Claire: "Okay!"

Dash: "I'm coming!"

Claire: "No Dash! And no Leah. You need to stay here and take care of your niece, daughter!"

Leah: "Yes."

Claire: "Alright! Everyone get ready!"

End of conversation.

Everyone ran and got there stuff. Then the recruits came in. There was Natalie, Alicia, Natasha, Jay, Terrence, and Luke.

Natalie was tall with black hair and bright green eyes. She had a tough voice and looked fierce. She wore a black track suit with royal blue armor on. She had black combat boots. She wore a blue holster. She had a M-16 rifle around her shoulder, a ballistic knife in her boot, a black and blue flower dessert eagle, two grenades, and a Molotov. Her skin was tan and her teeth glowed white as she chewed her gum. She had her hair in a bun and had blue highlights in her hair. She stood in the doorway with a striking pose chewing her gum looking at them.

Alicia was short with dirty blonde hair. It was in a pony tail. She had a sparkly blue nose ring. She wore a white track suit with violet armor. She wore violet combat boots with whit stripes. She wore a white holster around her thick waist. She had an AK-47 and a dagger in her right boot. She had two beretta's, 2 flash bangs, and a Molotov. Her skin was pale. Her bangs his one of her eyes. They were big and blue. She stood next to Natalie.

Natasha was tall. She had her hair down to her shoulders. It was a really dark black color. She wore a black and neon green track suit with neon green combat boots. She had a neon green holster. She had a two uzi's in both of her hands. She had a M9 pistol, 2 pipe bombs, and a Molotov. Her face was pale white, but she had diesel muscles. She had big brown eyes and her cheeks were pierced. She stood next to Alicia.

Jay was tall with huge muscles. He had a nice haircut and he had dark brown eyes. He wore a dark green tank top with army pants and army boots. He had an automatic-shotgun and katana on his back. He wore a brown holster. He had a P96 pistol, 2 sticky grenades, and a Molotov. He stood next to Natasha.

Terrence was black and had little hair. He had hazel eyes and bright white teeth. He had an army suit with an army hat and army boots. He had a pump shotgun and a machete on his holster. It was light brown. He had a magnum, 2 explosive grenades, and a pipe bomb. He stood next to Jay.

Luke was a short white boy with blonde hair and freckles. He had bright blue eyes and a nice smile. He had small muscles. He wore a black U.S. Army shirt and black pants and army boots. He had a scorpion and a flame thrower. He had a black holster with a regular pistol, 2 grenades, and a Molotov.

They all walked into the kitchen and saw everyone ready.

Tony was wearing a black shirt and kaki shorts and white sneakers. He had a machine gun, a grenade, a pistol, and a baseball bat covered in barbed wire.

Anna had her long black hair in a braid then put it in a bun. She was wearing a purple nike jumpsuit and white running shoes. She had a combat shotgun, an electric grenade, a magnum, and a metal baseball bat with a buzz saw on it.

Adrianna wore jean booty shorts, a tank top and boots with high socks. She had her hair short dirty blonde hair in a short ponytail. She had a rifle, a grenade, a pistol, and wooden baseball bat with nails in it.

Amber wore navy blue sweatpants, a white shirt and track shoes. Her black curly hair was down on her shoulders. She had a tazer gun and machete blades sticking out the sides.

Danni wore kaki booty shorts and bright red sleeveless shirt with red vans. Her long black silky hair was in a ponytail. She had an Ak-47, a Molotov, a desert eagle, and an axe with spikes on it.

Mariah wore leggings with a pink shirt and pink nike's. She had her short brown hair in a bun. She had a M-16, a beretta, an air horn grenade, and a spear with spikes and blades on the sides.

Claire wore a black and dark orange track suit with a black combat boots. the suit made her boobs pop out and they were huge! She had her wavy dark blonde hair down to the side. She had her grappling hook, two grenades, a Molotov, a magnum, a burst rifle, and an iron sword with blades.

Layla wore blue basketball shorts, a white shirt with black shoes and high socks. Her brown hair flowed down her back almost to her butt. She had a burst colt, a grenade, a pistol, and a chainsaw on a stick.

Amy wore white shorts and a white shirt with rainbow shoes. Her wavy bright blonde hair flowing down her back. She had a shotgun, a grenade, a pistol, and a double sided blade with spikes all over it.

Izzy wore a neon green shirt with black sweats and white sneakers. He had a SMG, 2 air horn grenades, two duel pistols, a dagger, and an electric katana.

They all lakes to the front door and got ready to leave. "Be safe hun. You to guys." Dash said. They all got in the truck and they drove to the airport as Leah and Dash waved goodbye.

They got to the airport and went on the private jet. After a while they landed and saw a giant stone building. "The entrance is in there guys. Be ready for anything." Claire said. They walked inside the massive stone building. There was a spiral ramp going down into a dark hole. They walked down all together. After 10 minutes of walking down the giant ramp they made it to the colossal gates to the facility. Claire opened it and they all walked inside. The gates started to shut. They all ran back, but they shut them inside. Then a computer voice came on the speakers around. "Welcome to Code Zero Facility. One of the largest underground facilities in the world." The voice said. Then it came on again. It was a disembodied voice. "You're gonna die down here." Then it started laughing after it said that. The computer shut off and so did all the lights. Then they turned back on. "The system restarted." Natalie said. They walked to the entrance of the main part of the facility. They walked in and everything was destroyed. Water was leaking from pipes and everything was trashed. They heard movement behind them. They turned around and saw the dead staring at them. The zombies ran away from them. "That was weird. Aren't we usually the ones running away?" Izzy said. Then they came back. They had being more zombies and they all had guns. They raised the guns and started firing at them. They all ran and took cover. The zombies screamed and screamed and kept firing. Someone made this on purpose. They knew that Claire and the others would come down and try to stop it. It was someone's plan the whole time. It was trap. Who knows what else the person set in the facility to try and kill them. Code Zero was a death trap.


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