CHAPTER 29: Everything's Changed

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Bob gave Izzy some antibiotics until they found medical center with the cure. "How in the name did he get malaria?!" Amy said. Bob replied "Well. The disease can be carried through the zombies. But he'll be fine. I'm not gonna let anything happen to this little boy." Tasharra and Anna were helping him walk. "It's getting dark. We need to find a place to spend the night." Layla said. "Agreed." Claire replied. "A medical center!" Amy yelled. Izzy looked up happy. Tasharra, Dash, Layla, Amy, and Bob went to go get the medicine. After 5 minute they finally came out with the medicine. Bob far it to Izzy. "Drink all of it." he said. Izzy drank it all. They continued on down the highway as the sun set.

"Guys! What the fuck is that!" Tony said. They looked and saw a giant horde of zombies coming their way. Shit go that way, into the woods!" Claire whispered. They all ran into the woods. They ran and ran and ran. "We've been running forever and it's dark out." Anna said. They stopped and rested. "We gotta get to DC what the hell are you guys doing!" Leah yelled. "Leah, shush the zombies could hear us!" Claire said. "No they can't Claire we're deep in a forest and lost!" Leah said. "Leah calm down." Izzy said in pain. "No Izzy! You!" she screamed. The baby started crying. "Shhh baby girl it's okay." Bob said. "Shut her up!" Leah yelled. "Jesus Christ Leah that's your daughter!" Amy said. "Guys. I'm sorry this world screwed us all up and I just can't take it!" Leah said. "Stopppp yelling!" Claire screamed. Everyone started yelling at eachother. Johnny said "Can we all just calm the fuck dow......" A spear went through his head and came out his forehead. He fell to the ground. "Holy fuck!" Mariah yelled. A group of people with spears, and bows and arrows came and started attacking them. "Kill them!" Claire yelled. They all started shooting. "What about the zombies!" Leah yelled. Claire said nothing. 10 wagons with zombies in the back rolled up. They let loose the zombies and they came at them. Claire was surrounded and was gonna die. She grabbed out her grappling hook, shot it and went flying into the air. "Mariah look out they're all behind you!" Amy yelled. "Ahhh!" She screamed. She ran away and fell. "Noo! I don't wanna die like this!" she said. She sat against the tree and had nothing to defend herself. The zombie got closer and closer. "Nooo!" She yelled. Then it's head got sliced off. It was Izzy. She smiled and he smiled back. "Feeling better?" She said. "Wayy better." He said smiling. They ran back to the others and helped them. "Izzy?" Layla said distractedly. He took out his pistol and shot the zombie approaching her. "Well." She said laughing. Izzy sliced the zombies arms off then it's head in half. He swung the sword around and stabbed the other zombie in the mouth. They killed everyone and every zombie. There was one more coming at them. "Let me get this one." Izzy said. He dropped his sword and ran over to it. He clenched his hand into a fist and swung at it's face. The head bashed into pieces and blood splattered all over. He cleaned his hand and walked over to his sword and picked it up. "Oh my gosh. Johnny's dead." Mariah said sadly. Izzy replied "Where the hell is his body?!" They all looked and the body was gone. There was a trail of blood so they followed it.

They walked along the trail of blood. The trees got thinner and thinner, then they finally disappeared into a yard with tall grass. It was a two story house and all the lights were on. They approached behind trucks that were burnt an destroyed. They got closer and hid behind another truck. An alarm went off and a giant spotlight started searching the yard. People started yelling and screaming. A guy in a truck came out and smashed one of the trucks to see if they were behind it. "These people are insane!" Tasharra whispered. Someone started firing a mini gun at them. They ran away into the east side of the house. They ran in the bushes and hid there. "Where the hell did Tasharra go!?" Layla yelled. "She was right beside me!" Izzy said. "Look she's sneaking inside the house! What the hell is she doing!" Mariah said. "I'll go after her. Stay put!" Izzy said. "No Izzy we can't let you do that. If you die we're screwed!" Claire said. "Come on Claire, I'm Izzy, I'll be fine." He said smiling. He ran out the bushes towards the door.

Tasharra snuck inside the house and his behind a bookshelf. "I'm gonna show them that I'm apart of the team and I can help!" She said. Some of the people walked passed her and went into a room. She ran out and stopped the door from closing. They went into the basement. She tiptoed down a couple of steps so she can see what they were doing. Johnny was on a table. They picked up axes and started chopping him up into pieces. Tasharra held her hand over her mouth so they wouldn't hear her gag. They took out his guts and intestines and started eating them raw. She gagged loud and they looked up at her. "Get herrr!" A man yelled. She ran up the stairs and out of the room. She locked herself in a closet and covered her mouth. "Little girl. Where are you?" A voice said. She whimpered quietly. An axe smashed through the door. She screamed as loud as she could. Izzy heard the scream and started running to her. He swung the axe again and broke the door even more. She screamed again. He swung one more time then grabbed her hair. "Let go!" She screamed. He swung the axe into the air then dropped it when a sword went right through his throat out his mouth. "Izzy. Thank god!" She said. "Are you stupid. Let's go now!" He said. She got up and ran with Izzy towards the door. More people came and started to charge at them. Izzy took out his pistols and started shooting. They ran out. Izzy was running towards the bushes with Tasharra right behind him. A man threw a hatchet and Tasharra's head. It hit her right in the brain and she collapsed to the floor. She was instantly dead. "Shitttt! Tasharraaaa!" he yelled. He continued running towards the bushes without looking back. He got back to the bushes, but they were all gone. And when he looked back, Tasharra's body was gone.

"Let us go you fuck faces!" Mariah yelled. "No." A man said. They were all tied up and Alyssa was hanged by her baby carrier on the wall. She started crying as the man approached her with a knife. "YOU LEAVE MY GODDAM DAUGHTER ALONE YOU DICK HEAD!" Leah yelled. He turned back at her and made an evil smile. "Nooooo!" Izzy yelled. He ran up to the guy and sliced his head off. He cut off all the ropes and everyone got their weapons and started shooting at the guys. Izzy grabbed the baby. Everyone was dead. "Where's Tasharra?" Layla asked. Izzy looked up at her and said "Dead." Layla put her head down. They opened a door to another room and saw so many dead bodies. Anna threw up from the stench. They found Tasharra and Johnny and buried them in the backyard. "We'll spend the night here." Claire said. They all agreed and started walking back to the house when they heard a horn. A school bus pulled up and a group of teenagers came out of it. They were cheerleaders. "Please. We need your help. My girlfriend is pregnant and she's giving birth right now!" A short black boy with a big head said. "Bring her inside. I'm a doctor!" Bob said. They all rushed inside. Bob looked at her. "We have to do a c-section." Bob said. She cried in pain. Bob went to get the tools for it. She started puking up blood all over the place. "Bob!" Amy yelled. He ran over. Her stomach started to rot and turn a dark green and gray. The baby's hands started to show through the stomach. She coughed up more and more blood. "Help her!" the boy said. The baby's hand stabbed out through the stomach and started ripping her stomach open. She screamed louder and louder. The baby was a zombie and was eating the inside of her stomach. The baby was gray and ugly. It ripped up her entire stomach and was eating it. It started crawling out the womb all slimy and bloody. Suddenly the girl stopped screaming. She was dead.


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