CHAPTER 11: Club Dead

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Mike drove down interstate 68 with Amy in the passenger seat and Izzy and Sara in the back seat. "Mike? Where are we going? Amy asked. He replied "well before I met you guys I heard that military took hold at Miami. So that's where we're headed." Sara said "well it's a plan let's go!" Squeakkkkk! Mike pressed on the brakes. "What's the problem? Izzy said. Mike replied "the bridge is up, we need to lower it." "Shit!" Amy said. They got out the car and shut the doors. "Hey I know where we are! This is George's Country Club and this is the George Bridge." Amy said. Izzy replied "we just have to got through the country club to get to the other side and lower the bridge." They walked over to the entrance of the country club. They walked across the foggy golf course. It was deserted with golf carts flipped over and crashed. It started to drizzle. They walked over to the 14th hole when they heard moaning. They turned around and saw a glowing zombie with a blindfold on. He lifted his hands in the air and made a horrifying screech. He rose the dead zombies on the ground. "Holy shit shoot him!" Sara said. Izzy shot him three times. The zombies ran at them. "We need to get to the 1st hole where the safe room is!" Sara said. They all ran to the 1st hole as fast as they could. When they finally got to it they ran inside the safe room which lead into the hotel. They shut it as zombies were pounding on it. "Jesus, No wonder why I hated this place as a kid." Amy said. They all laughed as they got what they needed. They were actually a team.

They found new weapons in the safe room. Izzy had a katana and a M-16. Amy had a machete and a Beretta. Mike had a mace and a Pump Shotgun. And Sara had a double blade and a Magnum Pistol. They opened the door to the hotel. It was very beautiful despite the blood everywhere. There was a huge water fountain with a granite floor. They walked through the lobby and went into the stairwell. They ha to go down cause there was no way to go up. They entered the basement cautiously. "Eww! It stinks in here." Izzy said. There were dozens of zombies in there. Izzy took out his katana and sliced all of their heads off. "Damn Izzy. Lmfao." Sara said as she laughed. He replied "what. They were in my way ha." They walked to the elevator. "We need a workers card it get in this elevator." Mike said. Amy ran to one of the dead bodies and picked a card up and said "got it!" They all laughed. They got in and pressed the roof button. They walked across the roof to the east wing and went into the other elevator. The pressed the main floor button. "I'm glad I'm with you guys during this apocalypse. You guys are like my new family." Amy said. They all smiled, but the elevator stopped on the 2nd floor. They didn't care cause they just needed to get to the main floor. They went to the stairway an walked down. There were zombies all over the lobby. They all took out the guns and started to shoot. The ground rumbled and rumbled. The giant beast from Williamsburg broke through the wall. They ran towards the safe room. Izzy took out a Molotov and through it on the beast. He let out a big howl. He fell to the floor burning. They walked into the room and shut the door. "Well that was fun ha." Izzy said. The safe room led into the bar and they were ready for it.

They opened the door and walked into the bar. Music was playing, beer bottles on the floor, and everything collapsed. It was really creepy they walked through the bar. The safe room door was right there, but it was closed and locked. They saw a sign that said GO THROUGH THE SEWERS TO GET INSIDE THE SAFE ROOM. They saw stairs that led underground so they walked down them. The opened the door to the sewer. It was pitch black and it smelled really bad "Ugh! The fuck that stinks!" Amy said. Sara replied "well fuduhh we're in the sewers." They all laughed as they walked down the sewers. The found a ladder. they climbed up and opened the manhole, it was the safe room. The shut the manhole. And covered it with a table. "Wow. I stink now." Sara said.

They opened the door to the pools. They were filled with dark blood. It was disgusting. It was still drizzling and still foggy. They walked around the blood filled pools. And saw a safe room. They walked over to it and went in. They didn't need anything so they went out the door to allies they ran down the dark foggy allies. They finally got to the bridge. They pressed the button and the squeaky bridge started to lower. Zombies and rushing all over them. After 5 minutes of fighting crazy zombies the bridge finally lowered. They ran to the car as zombies chased them. They got into the car. Mike started it up and they drove out of there. "Wooohoooo! We made it we made it yeeaaaa!" Sara said. Izzy replied "yea we did turn uppp!" They drove down interstate 68 and left club dead.


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