CHAPTER 40: Together

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Anna and Danni climbed down the ladder and finally reached the bottom. "What do we do now?' Anna said. "I have no clue. I don't know this place, we're lost." Danni said. They walked down the dark hall wit red LED lights. They turned the corner and entered this stone room. There were giant stairs going down. They zigzagged down. They walked down and reached the bottom. It was tunnels and they were flooded with water. The water went up to their waist. They went down the tunnels walking slowly and cautiously. Then they heard gunshots coming from up the stairs. Then they heard zombie screams. "Hold your breathe!" Anna said. They both went under the cold dark water. They swam underneath the water and a hand grabbed Danni. She screamed then started to choke on the water. Anna pulled her up and they came out the water. They zombies turned around and laughed at them. Then try ran up the stairs and shut the gate they came in. "That was weird." Anna said. They stood in the still cold water. Then the water started to rush. It pulled them down with the water. It felt like they were in a river rapids.

They got sucked into a drain. The drain led to where they started. The main room where they got split. They walked into the stairwell and went up the stairs. They opened the door and saw the room filled with zombies inside tanks. Anna kicked a metal can by accident and it made a noise. Alicia, Luke, and Amber turned around and looked surprised. "Anna! Danni! You guys are okay." Amber yelled. They all hugged. "Did you see anybody else make it alive?" Danni asked. "No. But I'm pretty sure they did. They're strong people." Alicia said. They were together again. "Now we have to find the others. Hopefully they're okay." Luke said. They walked through the room of tanks filled with zombies banging on the glass. They walked to another stairwell. They walked down and the stairs went straight. The stairs then turned into a slide and they slid down into the dark hole.


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