CHAPTER 8: Whatever It Takes

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It was a smooth ride. Everybody was sitting down talking to each other. "Where are we headed?" Brian said. The leader replied. "To Miami of course. The military is holding out there." Brian looked at him surprised and said "Really!" The leader said "yea but .........." He paused. "But what?" Raven said. He smiled and said " the military is only expecting us 10 not you guys, so we have to kill you." His crew grabbed Raven and her crew. Layla, Mariah, and Miranda were in the bathroom doing makeup but they didn't hear anything. They went out back to the seats. "Where is everybody?" Mariah said. Layla replied "I don't know, but you girls get all the way to the back and stay hidden!" They both nodded yes. Layla grabbed her rifle and ran to the pilots room. She grabbed the knob and it was locked. She kicked the door open with her boot and went in. "Autopilot, where the hell did everyone go?" she said. She looked and a trapdoor that leads to where the luggage goes. She opened it slowly and heard voices. "Which one are we gonna kill first?" a voice said. Another voice replied "go get the three upstairs, but go the back way." Layla looked up thinking of the girls. she turned around and there was one of the men. He grabbed her rifle and threw it across the room. Then he pushed her on the wall and aimed his revolver at her. She kicked her right foot in the air and kicked the revolver and then kicked him in the stomach with her left foot. He fell to the floor as she jumped up and grabbed the revolver. She aimed towards his head and said "no one and I mean no one tries to kill me." She shot him. After that she heard another shot from the seating area. She ran in and saw Mariah and Miranda with their guns out and a dead man on the floor. "Well shit guys." she said. They looked at her smiling. Layla ran back to the trap door and grabbed her rifle. She ran down the steep stairs and shot one of the man who was choking her sister. Loren jumped on the guy next to her as Layla shot another man. Raven kick the man that was choking her in his nuts. Raven grabbed her gun and shot the man. They killed all the men except the leader. He wasn't there. Layla ran up the stairs and saw him. "Who the fuck are you and why did you trick us?" He replied "I'm Leroy and we killed lots of people, you were just next on our list." Layla looked at him and said "you failed killing us." she punched him across the face. The rest of the crew came running up the stairs. He pushed Layla on the floor and Brian came and knocked him on his ass. He pushed Brian and went back to Layla and picked her up by her neck. She kicked him and he dropped her. She pulled out the revolver from the man she killed and shot Leroy in the head 5 times. "You bitch!" She said. He fell on a button and it pressed down. A siren went off and the plane started to fly to the ground. "Shit! Everybody get to the seats and put the seat belts on!" Raven said. They all went to put the seat belts on and then it crashed.

"Anna, wake up, wake up Anna." Raven said. Anna woke up and said "Aghh goddamn, I'm alive." Raven nodded and said "yes we all did, thank god for that." They walked over to the others "Guys I found Anna!" Raven said. They were all happy that everyone was alive. Raven said "now that we found Anna let's get to Miami." They agreed and walked away from the plane crash. They were 3 miles away from Miami. They were in a creepy neighborhood. They herd a noise in the bush and they were thugs. The thugs dragged them into one of the houses. One thug said "give us everything on you food, money, ammo, weapons, all of that shit." Talli replied "no." The thug took out his gun and shot him and said "you don't wanna mess with us." Anna screamed "Talli! Nooooooo!" After that Raven looked up mad as hell and said "you niggas messed with the wrong bitches." They all fired at the thugs and they fired back. The thugs lost the fight when they all died. Anna said "we need to leave now!" They all walked slowly out back in the neighborhood. They got to the end of the street and it was a dead end. "Great." Johhny said. They heard shrieks. "What the fuck was that!" Raven said. They turned around and saw zombies but they weren't ordinary zombies. They were running zombies.

The zombies were running right towards them. "Ahhhhh!" Miranda screamed. A zombie was biting her. Mariah looked horrified. She pulled out her gun and shot it. Miranda laid there on the floor covered in blood. "Mariah. I love you, thank you for being my best friend." A tear went down Miranda's cheek as she stopped breathing. Mariah closed Miranda's eyes and said "rest in paradise." She sat there crying next to her dead best friend. Mariah looked up as tears rolled down her cheeks. She went with the others and started to shoot the running zombies. Brian screamed "guys go! I hold them off while you get away!" Raven replied "no we lost too many people already! He replied "just go! please." Raven nodded and said "come on guys!" They all ran and when they looked back Brian was on the floor getting eaten. "Noooooo!" Loren said as she started to cry. They walked through the woods in back of the dead end. "That's it!" Mariah said. Raven replied "what is it?" "I can't do this anymore without my best friend!" Mariah replied. She ran away and Loren ran after her. "Shit, shit!" Raven said crying. "We can't win." Tony said. It was sunset when they made it to the end of the woods. Loren was still in the woods looking for Mariah. She came back without Mariah and she was

holding her arm. "I got bit and I couldn't find her. she said sadly. Layla looked at her and started to cry. "No, no no no no please no." Layla said. They found a little car garage and decided to stay the night there. Layla and Loren went inside a room. Loren sat down on the wall. She was pale and cold. "Layla you need to shoot me." she said. Layla replied "no, I'm not!" "Layla, you need to. Now follow my steps that I give you. One take out your gun. Two reload it. Three aim it at me. Four pull the trigger. And five survive this apocalypse, and do whatever it takes to survive it." Loren said. Layla stayed quiet wiping her tears. Loren said "step one." Layla pulled out her gun. Loren said "step two." Layla reloaded it. Loren said "step three." Layla aimed it at her shaking. Loren said "sis, I love you so much." Layla said crying "I love you too sis." Loren said "now step four and then five." Layla looked away and pulled the trigger. After she heard the gun shot she laid on the floor crying. "I'll survive for you sis, I promise. she said crying. She walked out the room and said "let's go, now!" they all got up and went outside.

They walked silently and Layla sobbed. "It's okay hun." Raven said. Layla replied "no! it's not okay! she all I had left and she's fucking dead!" There was a silence after that. They found a farm and went to go check it out. "Howdy y'all!. a man said to them. Raven replied "hi, umm can we spend the night here?" The man agreed. The morning came and Layla came out and saw Christine on the porch. "Raven, Tony, Johnny, and Anna went to look for more supplies." Christine said. Layla replied "oh okay." Christine went inside for a drink. Layla saw gas cans leaking, but she didn't pay much mind to it. Christine screamed and Layla ran inside with her weapons. Christine was tied up in a chair. The man came with a sword and put it up to Christine's neck. He swung it forward and them cut her head off. Blood splattered everywhere. Layla ran outside. He went on the porch with the leaking gas cans under it. He said "I won't kill you if you put your weapons down. I killed her by an accident." Layla replied "are you fucking kidding me. I saw you do it on purpose with my own eyes." She dropped her weapons and pulled out her lighter. She lit the gas cans up and the fire spread. She pick up her weapons and shot the fire. The house exploded as she walked away. Raven and the others ran back. Layla explained what happened. "We found a cruise ship lets go!" Raven said. They ran to the boat. They entered the big boat and checked every inch of it. They went into a room and saw a girl stabbing a person with blood everywhere. She attacked Raven. Layla came and kicked her of and shot her. Raven looked at her. Layla said "My sister said do whatever it takes to survive. The boat started up an Tony steered it away. Layla went out to the sky deck and laid down. "To everyone that died on this apocalypse rest in paradise. You guys are my heroes and all of you will have a special place in my heart. I love all of you and I'm gonna survive for all of you." She said. She was gonna survive and she was gonna do whatever it takes to do it.


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