CHAPTER 46: The Hell Room

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Claire opened the giant iron doors. They all ran inside and Claire shut the doors. It was pitch black, cold, and scary. They were all huddled up in a tight circle. "It's cold in here." Amy whispered. "Stop breathing on me damn it!" Izzy said. "Sorry." Mariah said sarcastically. Them some lights turned on. "We're outside?!" Natalie said. They were in a giant cemetery. A giant tree shadowed over them. It was a cold dark spooky cemetery. It was night and foggy. "Well, we all know its a trap. Be careful!" Izzy said. They all walked slowly passed the old graves. "Creepyyyy." Alicia said. "I can see the entrance, our way out! Let's go!" Jay said. They all ran towards the gates. Hands popped up from the graves and started grabbing their feet. "Ahhhh" Natasha screamed. A zombie popped up and bit her ankle. They stated rising out the ground. Izzy took out his sword and sliced all the zombies hands. More hands grabbed Natasha and she fell into the grave. The zombies ripped her into pieces and blood splattered all over the grave. "C'mon! We gotta go!" Adrianna screamed. They all ran out the cemetery and into a town. "What the fuckkkk!" Danni yelled. They ran over towards the gas station. "They're coming from all over! What the hell do we do!?" Mariah said. They got to the gas station and zombies were surrounding them. "I have an idea! Stay back!" Izzy yelled. He took out his pistols and shot the gas tanks. It started to flame up. "Get down!" Claire yelled. They all got down and the gas pumped exploded. Flames flew all over. "That should distract them." Natalie said. Then the room started rumbling. The dark black sky started to turn white and gray. The ground rumbled even harder. The sky, the ground, the cemetery, the town, all of it disappeared. It was a simulation. The ceiling exploded and pieces of it collapsed. The walls as ground started to explode. Everything caught on fire. All of the lights stated going crazy and blinking. The zombies limped all around. Pieces of the room exploded and flew everywhere. "Let's get out of here!" Tony said. They all ran past the explosions and flying pieces. There was an elevator ahead. "In there!" Claire screamed. They all ran into the elevator. Claire and Izzy were last. Natasha jumped in front of Izzy. She was a zombie. She pounced Izzy. The elevator doors started to close. Claire started to run back. "No Claire! GOO!" He yelled. She stared at him. "GOOO!" He yelled again. He was struggling to get Natasha off of him. Her zombie face was getting closer and closer to his face. He looked back at everyone in the elevator and saw them looking at him crying. Then the doors shut.

"He's. He's dead." Layla stuttered crying. They stood silently. The lights flickered and the elevator stopped. "Just great." Amy said. The elevator started plummeting down. They all screamed. "Shhiiittttt! Hoollldddd oonnn ttoooo soooommmeeettthhhiiinnggg!" Jay yelled. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. They all walked out. Layla and Mariah were last. The doors shut them in and the elevator dropped all the way to the bottom. Alicia, Claire, and Tony fell into a pit. Natalie, Adrianna, and Amy fell down into a Shute. Danni, and Jay fled and fell into a hole. They were split up once again.


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