CHAPTER 13: Death Ahead

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It started to rain hard as they were in the air. "Is it safe to fly in this?" Amy asked the pilot. He replied "yea it's fine. Thunder struck then lightning. Then another bolt of lightning hit the chopper. The chopper flew to the ground as they all screamed. BANGGG!

Sara woke up and saw Izzy, Amy, and Mike standing in the pouring rain. "It's about time you woke up we're soaked." Izzy said as he helped her up. "Where are we?" Sara asked. Mike replied "looks like we're in Jacksonville, close to Miami." They were on a farm. They walked up a little hill towards the farm house. "Come on, through the farm house." Amy said. They walked in and saw the farmer on the floor dead. "Oh shit! Poor man." Sara said. They walked to the back porch. Through this wheat field, there's a safe room on the other side. They went in and it started to storm. "Crap I can't see anything!" Izzy said. Zombies screamed and ran towards them. "GO GO GO GO!" Mike screamed. They ran the ought the talk wheat. "Quick get into the barn!" Izzy said. Amy ran in first, then Sara, then Izzy, then Mike. Amy slammed the door shut. "Oh... my ..... god." Sara sobbed. Thy turned around an saw all the farm animals burned on the corner. "Jesus Christ. I can't even look at that." Izzy said. A tear went down Amy's cheek as she said "let's just get off this farm."

They went out the door and followed a stone path that lead to a park. They walked through the dark, flooded park. There was a big tent in the middle of the park. They heard voices inside it. They busted in saw a big group of people inside. INTRUDERS! KILL THEM!" A girl screamed. They ran outside the tent and bright lights came on. There were cages with zombies in it. "What the fuck is this shit!" Sara said. The cages opened and the dead came rushing out as the people came running out with spears and bows and arrows. Izzy fired rapidly at the dead. "Izzy and Sara, you guys take care of the people, me and Amy will take care of these undead freaks. Mike said. Izzy shot the girl in the face and then another girl. Three big men grabbed Izzy and dragged him into the city. He was gone. "Izzy!!" Sara screamed as she took out her axe and beheaded all of the people. "Let's go we have to find Izzy he's in trouble!" Sara screamed. Amy and Mike ran with her out the park into the bright city.

"Where the hell is he!" Sara screamed. They walked down Empire Street looking all around. They saw three peoples footprints leading into a cemetery. They walked in slowly and saw all the graves were broken. "If this was a real zombie movie this would be death." Amy said. Sara and Mike looked at her. They continued walking and they found the back entrance. They walked down Erie Road and found a safe room in a theatre. "They had to have gone through here." Sara said. They got inside and got ammo and went out the other door. The theatre was big and bright. They walked through the lobby an then walked into the auditorium. It was really quiet and there was blood all over the place. "I'm not surprised that this place is a blood fest." Mike said. They back stage to find the back door. When they did they exited the theatre. They walked down the alley behind the theatre onto School Avenue. There was a safe room in Wilson Elementary School. They walked in, but only to find the scariest thing of their life and no one never would expect it.

They walked out the door into the dark narrow hallway. A little girl was in the corner crying. They walked over to her and she turned around. Her eyes were missing and there was blood dripping down from the holes. She jumped on Sara and bit her. Sara kicked her off and shot her head off. Then a crazy weird mutant crawling thing popped out. Amy threw a grenade she saved to the ceiling. It exploded and the ceiling collapsed on it. The mutant let out a screech as fast little zombie kids came charging at them. The mutant broke free and it grew. "SHITTT, EVERYTIME IT GETS MAD IR GRIWS BIGGER!" Amy screamed. Sara replied "Let's get out if here." They ran down into the stairwell to the basement. The mutant broke from the ceiling infront of them. Mike took out his sword and stabbed it in the face as the zombie kids came running down at them. Sara and Amy fired at the beast as they were running away. There was a safe room in the gymnasium. The ran towards the door. The mutant grew even bigger and raced towards them. All of a sudden the mutant caught on fire and fell into ashes. The kids were also burning. "Who the hell set that thing on fire!" Mike screamed. They walked out the safe room door. It was storming really bad. They walked down Pearl Lake Road to the lake house. They walked up to it and heard Izzy yell for help, but the door wouldn't budge.

Izzy opened the door. "Izzy!" Sara said as she hugged him. Izzy had a bite on his arm and there were three dead guys on the floor. "Whoa what the hell happened Izzy?" Mike said. Izzy Replied "well they took me to this boat house and threw me in the basement tied up. Then the released zombies. One bit me as I got free. I killed all the zombies and is snuck up on the them and killed all of them. Then I found someone on the radio and they're on their way!" The boat arrived and they walked on. The captain said "I'll take you across the lake." They all agreed. "They should've had a sign that said DEATH AHEAD. That was crazy." Amy said as the boat drove to the other side of the lake.


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