CHAPTER 24: Looters

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Izzy walked out the little house's door, then Tasharra, then Amy, then Dash. They walked down the empty street to the little town. "Okay so this is the plan, every gas station and store we come across we loot. Then well go to the gun shop, grocery store, and daycare." Izzy said. They all agreed and walked up the the first gas station.

They walked into the gas station and the bell rang. There were 3 roamers. Izzy took out his dagger and ran towards one. He stabbed in the head and he fell on top of it. Tasharra ran to the other one and kicked it. The zombie fell on the shelf and it knocked it over. She took her machete and sliced the zombie's head off. Dash held down the last zombie and Amy kicked it's head off. "Clear!" Amy yelled. They grabbed all the water, snacks, and supplies. "No formula. Shit!" Izzy said. They walked out and saw about a dozen zombies walking towards them. They all room out their guns and started shooting while running. They ran down the road and saw the entrance little town. They slowed down and took a rest then walked towards Red Creek Village.

They entered the town and the daycare was right on the left-hand side of the entrance. They walked in and looked all around. Toys were scattered everywhere. "Found the formula!" Amy exclaimed. Izzy replied "good! Take all of it." They grabbed formula, baby clothes, little toys, diapers, baby wipes, a portable play yard, bottles, pacifiers, and a baby carrier. They walked out and went to the grocery store a little down more from the daycare. Trey walked inside and soft music was playing in the background. They grabbed boxes and canned goods and everything else they could find. They put everything in the book bags and exited the store. They walked to the gun shop. "It's boarded up there's no way in!" Dash said. Izzy nodded and said "leave it to me." They all grinned and Izzy climbed up onto the roof. He walked on the roof and it collapse. He fell through and there were zombies everywhere. Izzy hurt his leg and he crawled to the door. A zombie jumped on him and he kicked it off. He stood up, grabbed it's head and stabbed it's face on a nail. He opened the door. The rest came in and killed all the zombies. They took all the ammo and weapons needed and left back to the house.

They walked in the house. "We got the stuff!" Amy said. Leah replied "yay!!" Sara put the baby's diaper and clothes and sweater while Izzy made the baby's bottle. Amy and Dash opened up the play yard and put the baby in. Izzy walked over to baby Alyssa and gave her the bottle. "There you go baby girl there you go drink your bottle." The baby looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. Leah was walking perfectly fine. She was way better.

The sun went down and Leah called Izzy over to her. He walked over and she smiled at him. "Izzy? How would you like to be Alyssa's godfather?" she said. He looked at her surprised and puzzled. "I would love to, but don't you have to be over 18 to like buy the baby stuff?" he said. She nodded at him. "I know that. But it's the end if the world she doesn't need anything crazy cause were constantly moving. Instead of buying her stuff, keep her safe. That's all I ask. Deal?" she said. He looked up at her in excitement. "I promise I will protect her with my life. I'd love to be the godfather!" he said. They walked out the room. "I have to make an announcement everyone!" Leah said. They all questioned her. "Izzy is Alyssa's godfather." she said. That all were happy for him Izzy picked up the baby and held her. Everyone packed up everything for tomorrow. The baby fell asleep with Izzy and Leah smiled. Izzy loved baby Alyssa and he will do anything to protect her.


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