CHAPTER 15: Hells Forest Pt. 2

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They opened the door to the forest. The wind blew as they walked up the trail. They knew that most likely the guy with the claw would come back. They walked right up the trail and saw a safe room in a little stone tower. "That was easy." Amy said. As soon as she said that the claw guy came down from the tower. He pushed Sara out the way and grabbed Izzy. He threw Izzy into the air. "Noo Izzy someone save him!" Sara screamed. Out of no where the girl flew at Izzy and grabbed him and dropped him down. "Whoaa she has a grappling hook. Coollll!" Izzy said. The girl disappeared after that. They were fighting the zombie when they heard a chainsaw. "What the fuck, he's not dead!" Amy said. Soon a tree fell on top of the zombie. He started to catch on fire. "Get down!" Mike yelled. They all jumped down and hid as the zombie and tree exploded. They all got up and aimed at where the tree fell. It was the girl. They all lowered their weapons. They had a very deep conversation.

Amy: "Who the hell are you and why do you keep following us?"

Claire: "Long story short, I'm Claire and I'm following you because my orders are to keep you all safe."

Sara: "We are safe, we're immune!"

Claire: "I know that but did you guys just see what you battled right there? That could kill you. The zombies aren't regular zombies anymore. They're smarter, faster, stronger, and crazier."

Izzy: "She's right we're lucky she helped us defeat those things. If it was for her i'd be dead and so would you guys."

Mike: "Yea, but who have you those orders to keep us safe instead of other citizens?"

Claire: "I did. You guys are very important and I need you."

Sara: "Excuses. What's the real reason!"

Claire: "You guys are the key to saving mankind."

Amy: "What?!"

Claire's phone: Ring ring ring, ring ring ring

Claire: "Listen you all need to know something. We're up against the people who really run this country, the people who know how to play this game, and if you don't play your hand right. Hm." She took out her grappling hook and flew out if there.

Her conversation on the phone.

Claire: "Hm you."

Charles: "Yes it's me Claire."

Claire: "What do you want?"

Charles: "You're running late, I wanted to see what was wrong."

Claire: "My hands are tied right now, but don't worry I'm still going to stop you."

Charles: "And how is that?"

Claire: "I just need to get what I'm going to stop you with to D.C."

Charles: "Haha you can't stop me."

Claire: "But my friends will."

Charles: "You're so predictable Claire, the four immunes won't stop the virus, it will make it much much worse."

Claire: "How do you know that?"

Charles: See back in Philadelphia Tony, Johnny, Anna, and Raven gave someone their blood because they were bitten. The poor girl turned into a horrible monster that killed half of the camp."

Claire: "There's more immunes?"

Charles: "Yes only eight in the entire world."

Claire: "We'll still find a way to stop you!"

Charles: "Please Claire, the only way they'll save the world is if they die. And Izzy, Mike, Sara, and Amy will die in just a couple of minutes by my new mutated friend. Good day Claire."

Claire: "Shit!" She took out her grappling hook and flew towards The safe room. Inside the safe room Izzy, Sara, Mike, and Amy had a conversation about Claire.

Amy: "What the hell did she mean by what she said before she left?!"

Izzy: "I think what she meant was that this virus didn't just appear, people made it. And if we don't figure out how to stop it, well the virus could wipe out the human race and everyone will be a zombie."

Amy: "Who the hell would do something like this?"

Claire: "Charles M. Raymond would. Actually he did."

Sara: "Who the hell is he?"

Claire: "He's a man who wanted all the power in the world, but never got any of it. Him and his team made this virus to wipeout the whole world so he can rule it."

Mike: "How do we stop him and this virus."

Claire: "I believe there is one way to find a cure."

Izzy: "How?!"

Claire: "There are eight immunes in the whole world, you guys and four others. The other four are down south more on a cruise ship. We need to find them and get you all to Washington D.C. , Then we take samples of all eight of you're blood mix it together with the virus and other chemicals and then are cure is complete."

Sara: "Well damn."

Claire: "Let's just focus on getting to Miami and then well make a plan from there on. Agreed?"

Izzy: "Agreed."

Mike: "Agreed."

Sara: "Agreed."

Amy: "Agreed."

Claire: "Good. Let's get moving."


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