CHAPTER 37: Welcome To Hell

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Claire got up off the cold steel floor. Izzy was helping Layla up and she walked over to them. "We gotta get out of here and find the others. Someone is toying with us and trying to kill us, they're gonna try to kill the others too! Let's move guys!" Claire said. Izzy took out his electrifying katana and Layla and Claire had their guns pointed out looking around. Fire blasted and machines turned on. Everything was crashing and blasting. It was so loud. More fire blasted everywhere. It burned Izzy in his arm. He didn't even notice it though. The ground shook and shook even more. Izzy turned around. "Guys, we have company." Izzy yelled. They turned around and saw the zombies running at them with chainsaws and guns. Izzy ran over to a valve. He twisted it to the left and fire blasted burning the zombies. But they still were running at them. Claire and Layla started shooting at them. A zombie was sneaking up on Izzy. All bloody and ugly. Izzy felt the presence of him behind him. He pulled out his sword again and turned the electricity button on. He spun around and swung the sword into the zombies throat. The zombies started to get electrocuted. He fell to ground and held up his hand towards Izzy. He stabbed the sword through his hand and into his head. He pulled it out and swung the sword and all the blood flew off. The fire blasted again but it started spreading. FAST! "Let's go guys!" We gotta get out of here!" They all ran as the fire started to spread behind them. The fire chased them. They turned to cross the bridge to the other side and it collapsed. More zombies started running through the fire at them and the fire got closer. "Grab on guys! Hold on as tight as you can!" Claire yelled. They both grabbed on the Claire as she took out her grappling hook. She shot it at a pipe and it wrapped around it. The flew over the giant out of fire to the other side. The zombies screamed as their flesh was burning in the fire. They landed on the other side and ran through double doors.

They shut the doors from the giant burning room. They walked down the long hall. Blue LED lights lit up the hall. Blood stains and puddles all over, but no bodies. Izzy and Layla walked down the hallway looking all around and a door trapped Claire in the other end if the hall. "Claire! Are you okay!?" Layla yelled through the glass. "Yeah I'm fine. Imma find another way around meet me there." She replied. "Alright!" Izzy said. Izzy and Layla walked trough the bright blue hallway. "Who do you think tricked us?" Layla asked. "Obviously someone close to Charles." Izzy replied. "Yeah that's what I thought." She said. "I never thought I'd be going through this again. I thought it was finally over. Buts it's happening again and it's worse." Izzy said. "Yeah I know it's crazy. But at least we came with Claire or she would've been doing this alone, she could've died." Layla replied. "Yeah I know, but Claire is one tough son of a bitch." Izzy said. "We need to stop this from spreading out into the world again. It just got back to normal again. And imagine zombies that can use guns. People would be terrified." She said. "Yeah." He replied. They heard a scream. "Claire!" They both said at the same time. There was a hole in the ceiling. Izzy opened his hands and Layla stepped on them. Izzy counted to three and he threw her up into the hole. She grabbed the floor and pulled herself up. She kneeled down and put her hand down the home to grab Izzy. He jumped up and grabbed her hand. She pulled him up and they got up. They heard the scream again. It was coming from a little room. Izzy kicked open the door and the scream was coming from a computer. Zombies were using the computer to make the screams and lead them into their trap. "They use computers!" Izzy yelled. The zombies shut the door. The floor opened and they fell down the chute. They landed on a dirt floor and saw Claire. "Claire!" They yelled. "Thank god you guys are okay! You heard the screams too." She replied. "Yep." Izzy said. The zombies started to laugh at them. The disembodied voice on the computer came back in again. "Welcome to hell!" It said. They were in some kind if arena. They all took out their melee weapons. Izzy turned on the electricity on his sword. Layla turned on her chainsaw in a stick. Their backs all on eachother. Zombies came running out at them. Izzy sliced the zombies legs off then he stabbed it in the face. After they killed the first wave fog started to appear and the lights dimmed so it looked like a horror movie. It was for them. The zombies came out of nowhere. "Izz! Remember you're not immune anymore! Be careful!" Claire yelled. He nodded. After the second wave the lights turned off and then strobe lights came on. It was so hard to see. Zombies came from everywhere. They sliced and diced them all. After the third wave all the lights turned off and it was pitch black. Izzy's electricity sword was lighting up the arena. "Thank god for that sword!" Layla said. Zombies came running from everywhere. All the zombies died and then the voice came on again. "You survived... For now. Let's take you deeper into hell. The arena floor opened and they fell through the hole.

Izzy landed on his feet and got right back up. He caught Layla then put her down fast. Then he caught Claire. "You girls alright?" He said. "We're fine. You're such a gentlemen." Claire said. Izzy blushed. The ground rumbled. They were on a metal bridge. It was a long way to the other side. It rumbled again. The part of the bridge behind them started collapsing. "Run! Now!" Izzy yelled. They all ran as the floor behind them was collapsing. Layla was ahead, then Claire, then Izzy. Layla and Claire made it to the other side. Izzy was behind. "Izzy! Come on!" Layla yelled at him. His asthma was taking over. He continued to run. The entire bridge collapsed and he jumped. Claire grabbed his hand. Layla grabbed his other hand and they pulled him up. Izzy was out of breathe. "Just breath Izzy, breathe." Layla said. They sat there thinking that they really were in hell.


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