CHAPTER 2: A New World

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They were running down the red trail when they found this little river village. They knew they could make it into a safe place. Raven and Johnny went inside to check out the place while Anna and Tony stood outside guarding the place. They came out and said "All clear!" They went inside and made a plan. "We need to put up walls, then find food, ammo, water, an supplies, then we need this camp to grow." Raven said. Meanwhile on the green trail Brian and his crew found a dead end at a factory. They circled around to get to the red trail, but there was something in their way. A crowd of zombies limping down the green trail. They ran around and mad their own trail up small cliffs. They got to the top and they were back at Holy Land. "Get to the red trail!" Kayla screamed. They ran down the red trail and were headed towards the river village.

"What the hell happened here, I thought this place was safe!" Said Loren. Holy Land was destroyed when Loren and her crew got there. They looked around and saw people dead everywhere. "Split up guys!" Loren said. Loren the leader, Layla her sister, Talli a crew member and Wilberto another member of the crew searched the East wing. Sasha another member, Mariah a 13 year old, Miranda Mariah's best friend, also 13, and Angel another member of the crew searched the West Wing. They all searched every inch of the place. Then out of no where an exploding pipe bursted and separated Layla from the group. Loren was worried about Layla being alone because she was scared to kill the zombies, she thought they were still people. They heard Mariah scream so they ran and left Layla. She got worried and ran down the red trail. She was running and a zombie jump out on her. She screamed in terror. It was just about to bite her when she heard a gunshot. The zombie was dead. She looked up at the figure and said "why did you kill him!" He was gonna kill you." Brian said. She got up and saw Brian, Kayla, and Heather. "I'm Brian, that's Kayla, and that's Heather. What's your name?" he said. She replied "I'm Layla." She got up and followed them down the trail. They saw big gates at the end of the trail. They knocked on the giant gates. Ravens head peaked out over the wall. The gates opened. "You guys are okay thank god!" she said. they entered and saw that they were making their own camp.

"Raven get over here now!" Anna screamed. They all ran inside and saw a short girl in her 20's standing in the the kitchen. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in here!" Raven said. The girl replied "My name is Christine and I was in the attic the whole time. I would like to join your camp." They agreed and let her stay. "Lets make this camp nice." Christine said. They fixed up the camp and made it indestructible. Raven went to go talk to Christine. Them christine admitted that she was immune. "This is are little secret Raven." She said. Raven nodded.

Loren, Talli, and Wilberto ran toward the screams. When they got to where the screams were Mariah, Miranda, and Angel were gone and Sasha was dead on the floor. "What the hell happened, and where the hell are Mariah, Miranda, and Angel!" Loren said. Talli fell to the floor crying. Wilberto keeping guard of any zombies. Loren just standing there thinking what the hell happened. Talli looked up with his eyes wide open. "Layla!" he said. They All looked at each other. Loren ran back as fast as she could while Wilberto and Talli ran behind her. They saw that getting past the pipe was not an option and they also saw that Layla was gone. She sat down and whimpered. Then Talli said. "uhh guys, LOOK!" Wilberto and Loren looked and saw Sasha but it wasn't Sasha anymore. She pounced Talli. Wilberto took out his bat and hit her across the face. She laid there dead. Loren stood up and said "is she dead?" Then Sasha jumped back up and pounced Loren. They knew she was gonna be tough to kill. Talli took out his pistol and shot Sasha 3 times, 1 time in the left eye, and 2 times in the chest. She stood back up and ran towards Wilberto. "That's it I had with this crazy bitch." Loren said. She took out her machete and when Sasha ran toward Wilberto she stepped in front of him and chopped her head off. Sasha's head flew in the air and disappeared as her headless body fell on the cold, hard ground.

Mariah and Miranda ran down the red trail as fast as they could. They thought Angel would kill them next. When they got to the big gates they both screamed and banged on the door. "Open up, open up please!" they screamed. The gates opened and they ran in. They told them that Angel killed Sasha and he was gonna kill them next. Layla came out and hugged them and said "what happened?" They told and her jaw dropped. There was another knock at the gates. They opened it and found Loren, Talli, and Wilberto. Layla ran to Loren and Loren ran to Layla. "Sis you're okay!" Loren said. Layla replied "yes I'm okay." They smiled at each other and hugged. Loren saw Mariah and Miranda and asked them what happened to Sasha. "Angel killed her and was gonna kill us next." Miranda said. Loren was shocked so was Talli and Wilberto. They all looked at each other think what kind of sick game is Angel playing. Suddenly there was a knock at the gates. They looked at the gates holding their weapons up at it. They were ready for whatever or whoever was behind those gates.


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