CHAPTER 6: The End Of The World

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Layla woke up to the sound of loud bangs on the car windows. She looked up and saw the entire car surrounded by zombies. "Holy shit! What the hell." she said. She opened the sun roof and climbed out on top of the car. She took out a flare and threw it down the tunnel. When some of the zombies got attracted to it she hopped off the car and climbed out the big hole. She climbed up when a zombie grabbed her foot. She pulled herself up, but it pulled her down more. The piece of cement she was holding on started to crumble. The zombie pulled her down more. She kicked the zombie in the head and it fell. She pulled herself up and crawled away from the hole. She got back up and grabbed her pistol and axe. She walk down the highway just as the sun was rising. The wind blew and she got the chills. She turned around and a zombie was walking right towards her. She started to run and she got tackled by another zombie. Her gun and axe flew across the highway. She held the zombie back and reached for her dagger in her boot. She took it out an stabbed the zombie in its head. Dark blood splattered on her face when she pulled out the dagger. She kicked off the dead zombie and ran to her axe and pistol. The other zombie was getting closer. she picked up her axe and ran up the the other zombie. She sliced its head off. Breathing heavily she said "Its either kill or be killed." She wasn't afraid to kill anymore, we finally learned that she won't survive if she doesn't kill.

Split splatter, split splatter. That was the sound of Raven and her crew running down the tunnels away from the zombies. They saw a bright light at the end if the tunnels. It was the end of the tunnels. They got the the door and tried opening it. "It won't budge!" Anna said. While Brian, Tony, and Johnny tried opening it the rest defended them. They heard the moaning of the hungry zombies. "Hurry up they're coming!" Anna screamed. There were hundreds of them coming toward them. "It's open get in!" Johnny said. They all ran to the door. Heather tripped over something in the water. She hit her head on the ground. She had a concussion and was just laying there. Raven and Anna tried to go back after her, but it was to late. She was getting eating alive by hundreds of zombies. They were ripping her apart into pieces. Brian threw up "Get in here!" Tony said and grabbed him into the room. Johnny slammed the door shut and he moved boxes in front of it. "It looks like we're in some sort of basement." Tony said. Anna replied "There's a stairway lets go!" They walked up the stairs carefully. They found themselves in a main hall. "I recognize this place, it's the Philadelphia City Hall." Loren said crying. Raven said "what's wrong Loren?" She replied "my sister is fucking dead! She was all I had left." There was a dead silence after Loren said that. They all walked silently out the main doors and saw something horrifying. The entire city was on fire and ruined. "Jesus, it really is the end of the world." Raven said.

Layla got off exit 27 to Philadelphia. The entire city was destroyed. She heard an airplane in the distance. It flew over her to the Philadelphia Airport. She ran towards the airport. Raven and her crew were also going toward the airport as they saw the plane. But it get to the airport they had to face a big problem. The dead decaying city of Philadelphia. But no matter where they went, It was the end of the world.


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