CHAPTER 36: Split

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They all hid behind desks. It was Amy, Natasha, and Mariah behind one desk. Izzy, Layla, and Claire behind another. Tony, Jay, Natalie, and Adrianna behind another. Danni and Anna behind another. Amber, Bob, Alicia, and Luke behind another. And Terrence behind another. "One,Two,Three! Fireee!" Claire screamed. They all got up and started firing at the zombies. A zombie threw a grenade at Izzy, Layla, and Claire. A hole busted through the floor and they fell. "Shit! They fell into a hole!" Mariah yelled. A girl zombie with a tentacle climbing up on her body started running at Mariah, Amy, and Natasha. Natasha started firing but she wouldn't die. "Run!" Natasha yelled. The three ran into another room. Tony, Jay, and Natalie ran into a stairwell and went down. Adrianna tried to follow but a crazy zombie ran in front if her. Terrence shot the zombie and winked at her. Then a zombie from behind jumped on him and started eating his neck open. A dark red blood gushed out from his neck. He fell to his knees and dropped to the floor and more zombies hopped on him and started to eat him to. Adrianna ran into the stairwell horrified and went up the flight of stairs. Terrence screamed as he was being ripped open. "Terrence!!!" Alicia yelled. Amber grabbed her hand and Alicia, Amber, Bob, and Luke ran across a steel bridge to a hole other side of the facility. The labs. Danni and Anna ran away from the scene with zombies racing behind them they found a trap door. They opened it and climbed down the ladder. Anna shut the door and the zombies banged and banged trying to get in. They were all split in different sections of the giant dangerous facility filled with crazy psychopath zombies.


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