CHAPTER 38: 3 Girls Vs. Evil

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Natasha, Amy, and Mariah ran into a room with a whole bunch of computers and technology stuff. They shut the door and sealed it by twisting the valve all the way to the right. "I'm so out if breathe." Mariah said. "That tentacle girl zombie thing is still out there! What the hell do we do!" Amy said freaking out. "Okay first stop panicking! Panicking doesn't solve anything." Natasha said. "Yeah Amy! Control your fear. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows." Mariah said. Amy nodded. She was sweating and shaking. She was truly terrified. The disembodied voice came on again. "Hello girls. I need to tell you something." The voice said. "What the fuck do you want! Let us leave!" Amy yelled. "I'm sorry. But you're in hell now. And once you're in hell. You can never leave." It said and then it started to do the creepiest laugh. It shut off and ten holes in the wall started to appear. Then water splashed out from them filling up the room with cold dark water. They ran to the valve and tried to open it, but it was budged. "This isn't happening, this isn't happening." Amy said rocking back and forth. "Look! The vents." Mariah said pointing up. Natasha and Amy looked up and saw the vents. "They're big enough for us to fit in! Let's go!" Natasha said excitedly. They took a desk and moved it under vent. Mariah went in, then Amy, then Natasha. They crawled through the vent. "It's getting hot in here." Amy said. "They're turning on the heat! We gotta get out of here!" Natasha said. "Jump up and down and we'll break through." Mariah said. "Good idea!" Amy said. The all started jumping up and down. It was getting hotter and hotter. Finally the vents busted open they fell down into this giant room of giant fans. "Where the hell are we?" Amy asked. "In my favorite place to kill." An ugly girl demon voice said. They turned around and saw the tentacle zombie girl. "We're screwed." Amy said. The zombie laughed a creepy ugly laugh.

The zombie ran towards them. Natasha took out one of her grenades and threw it. The girls ran back and the grenade exploded. She flew across the room. Natasha started to fire at her, then Mariah and Amy too. The zombie started to run at them. It jumped in the air and kicked Natasha in the face. She fell to the floor and her nose was bleeding. Mariah kicked the zombie's legs and it fell. Amy lifted up her foot and kicked her face 5 times with her foot. Amy took out her pistol and shot her in the head 5 times too. Then Amy picked her up and hit her 5 time in the face. She carried the zombie to the edge and threw her off. The zombie screeched as it fell to it's death. Mariah stared at Amy with her eyes wide open. "What? 15 is my lucky number." She said. Mariah and Natasha started laughing. "You're one crazy bitch." Natasha said laughing. All three laughed. Suddenly all the fans started to turn on and started blow them. They ran towards the two double doors. They pushed the doors opened and walked through the hall. They walked silently and turned the corner. "So zombies can talk now. WHAT THE FUCK!" Amy said. "I know. Just great." Mariah replied. They turned another corner and zombies were waiting for them. One zombie said a weird gibberish sentence and then they all screamed and ran towards the girls. They all took out their melee weapons and sliced through all the zombies. They continued walking down the halls.

There was another set of double doors ahead. They pushed them opened and walked into the room. Millions of zombies were hanging from ropes. "What the hell is this?" Amy said. "I don't know, but I really don't wanna know." Natasha said. They saw another set of double doors on the other side of the hanging zombies. They ran through all the zombies. Then the ropes started to get cut and the zombies started to drop. "Shit!" Mariah screamed. The zombies got up and dashed towards them. They reached the double doors and pushed them open. Then they turned around and shut the doors. They put a bar through the door and continued walking down the hall. They were about to turn another corner when they heard voices. They waited a moment behind the wall and the voices got closer and closer.


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