CHAPTER 3: World War 3

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Still looking at the door they moved closer. "Who is it and what do you want!" Raven screamed. "I'm Angel, now open these doors or we'll break them down." he said. "Get your weapons and get to you stations!" Raven whispered. They all scattered get ready. Raven opened the gates and screamed "FIRE!" They all started shooting. Angel ran behind all of his crew as they were getting shot. "Mariah and Miranda stay crouched down behind here." Johnny said. All of angels crew was dead. They captured Angel and Christine hit him in the head with her gun. Raven closed the gates. "Why the fuck did you do that Angel!" Loren screamed. "And why did you kill Sasha!" Talli said. He replied "my plan was to kill all of you. But when I found out you guys were here I came and attacked this place." He grinned and said "what are you gonna do with me you idiots, if you let me go I'm gonna come back, if you keep me here I'm gonna break out and kill all of you in your sleep. And I know none of you have the balls to shoot me haha." "But I do." said a shadow stepped out the dark. It was Mariah. She pulled out her gun and shot him in the face. "You little prick. Nobody kills my friend and plans to kill me, my bestfriend, and my whole crew." she said. Raven said "let's all get some sleep." Tony and Brian dragged his body out to the trail next to his decaying crew. Zombies were obviously gonna eat them, but nobody cared. "We won world war 3 guys we should be proud." said Johnny. but everybody had a rough day and went to bed.

They woke up the next morning relieved that they're safe and got sleep. "Thank god there's no more worrying anymore." Talli said. Kayla replied back "yea I'm really relieved that we're okay now." They all sat at the kitchen table of how they're happy to be safe and sound here. They all thought that all there troubles were gone. But that little war was just least of their worries. Something bad is coming and no one is going to expect it.


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