CHAPTER 42: The Black Widow

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Adrianna ran up the fights of stairs until there were no more. She opened the door and slightly peaked her head out. She opened it all the way very slowly and pointed her gun around. She was in an office. There were desks with computers everywhere. Papers were all scattered on the floor. She walked slowly across the creaky floor. She saw an exit sign so that was where she was headed. The floor creaked behind her. She turned and it was a zombie with a gun. She took out her wooden baseball bat with nails on it. She ran at the zombie and smashed the bat in the side of it's head. Blood scattered all over the place and it was on her shirt. She took it out and swung again. The zombie dropped to the floor. She lifted it up over her head and swung it down into its forehead. She lifted it up and something grabbed her bat and all her weapons. A zombie in an all black body suit threw her weapons to the side. The black suit was right and it had blood stains on it. It covered her face, hands, feet, and everything. The zombie kicked Adrianna in her stomach and sent her flying. It laughed at her. Adrianna got back up and clapped her right in the face sending the zombie falling to the floor. Adrianna kicked it's head multiple times. It grabbed her ankle, twisted it and pulled her down. It jumped on top of Adrianna and started to punch her in the face. Adrianna grabbed both of her arms, twisted them, and floors her over her head. The zombie laid on the floor. Adrianna went on top if her and started to choke her. The zombie kicked off and she flew to the wall. She hit the wall and sat against it feeling weak. The zombie spoke in evil voice. "Nobody messes with The Black Widow." It said. The Black Widow ran at Adrianna. Adrianna picked up the nailed bat next to her. The Black Widow still was running at her. Adrianna held the wall and stood up. She held the bat like a baseball player. The Black Widow was a foot away from Adriana and she swung the bat into the black widows face. Her body detached itself from her head and blood soaked everywhere. "I'm sorry Black Widow, but there's a new crazy butch in town. And that's me." She said. She picked up her weapons and walked away from the offices. She pushed the exit door open and saw a beautiful meadow, with beautiful colorful flowers and butterflies. Adrianna ran into the meadow.

She walked along the beautiful path of flowers. She heard birds song and saw butterflies fly from flower to flower. She never saw anything more beautiful. She heard a scream in the distance, she looked around. Then it got closer and closer. She looked up and saw The Black Widow fall at her. She kicked Adrianna in the face and she fell. Adrianna laid there in the grass and she couldn't move. The Black Widow took all her weapons and put it in a crate and locked it. "Welcome to my home." The Black Widow said. Then it started to laugh and the sky started to melt. All the butterflies exploded and the flowers turned black and disintegrated. The grass disintegrated and the sky disappeared. The room was a black metal room with red LED lights around. The room had chains, hooks, and saws. Adrianna got up and looked at The Black Widow. "Back for more?" Adrianna said then grinned. The Black Widow turned around and her head was perfectly in place. "It's gonna take a lot more than a bat with nails in it to kill me." It said in a creepy voice. It ran at Adrianna and tackled her. It punched her face. Then Adrianna grabbed her hand, twisted it, and rolled over on to her. She started punching her in the face. Then The Black Widow flipped her. She stood up, took Adrianna, and threw her. Adrianna picked up a hook near her and threw it at The Black Widow. She dodged it. Then she took a saw and threw it at Adrianna. She dodged the saw and ran at The Black Widow. She picked her up and slammed her in the ground. Adrianna picked her up again and rammed her into a wall with a saw on it. It went right through The Black Widow. She screeched then Adrianna pulled a lever and the saw turned on. The Black Widow jumped off the saw and on top of Adrianna. She held Adrianna's hands down with her knees. Adrianna couldn't fight back. Adrianna's face was bloody. Her nose was bleeding, so was her lip, and her eyebrow was bleeding. Then all of a sudden an electric katana went right through The Black Widow's throat. She got electrocuted and fell. It was Izzy, Claire, and Layla. Izzy stood over The Black Widow and stabbed her head. Blood gushed from her throat and her head. Claire and Layla helped Adrianna get up. Izzy handed her a rag and she cleaned her face. "Adrianna are you okay?!" Claire asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Are you guys good?" She replied. "I'm fine. Thank god you're okay." Izzy said. "I'm fine too." Layla said. Izzy took out his pistol and shit the lock on the chest. Adrianna opened it and grabbed her weapons. She hugged Izzy, then Layla, then Claire. "Thank you guys." she said. The four walked out the room into a bright hall. They were chatting while they walked. They walked pass an opening and Mariah, Amy, and Natasha popped out pointing their weapons at them. "Woahhh guys! Calm down." Izzy said. Mariah sighed happily. Amy hugged Izzy. "Thank god you're okay!" She said to him. "You too Amy." He said smiling. They all hugged eachother and Mariah and Izzy did their handshake. They laughed. Then the disembodied voice came back on. "Awe how sweet. But just because you all found eachother doesn't mean you're all gonna make it out of here alive." It said then it laughed and shut off. They all looked at eachother. They needed to find the others and get the hell out of Code Zero.


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