CHAPTER 60: War-Zone

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The rain drizzled as they walked along the road. They walked slowly pointing their weapons around cautiously.

"Look out!" Alicia yelled.

There was a giant explosion and fire everywhere. Everyone laid on the ground. A figure walked over. It was Herta. She stood over Kaelyn with her pistol.

"KAELYN! Get Up!" Izzy yelled.

Kaelyn woke up and looked up at Herta. Herta held the gun at her face.

"Happy Birthday." Herta said before she pulled the trigger.

A gunshot fired and Kaelyn dropped to the floor dead.

"NOOOOO!" Izzy yelled.

They all yelled and started firing at Herta. Herta ran behind a boulder. Scar and the others showed up with hundreds of soldiers. Everyone got up and pointed their weapons at the horde of soldiers. Everyone fired their guns. As soldiers fell more kept coming. Garrett and Scar snuck up behind them. Bernadette looked out the corner and saw Garrett sneaking up on her. She turned around and walked him in the face with her staff. Then she took the other end and put it around his neck and started choking him. Scar pointed her rifle at Bernadette and Garrett.

"Kill her. Shoot her!" Garrett said gasping for breathe and waving his hands.

Bernadette choked him harder. Scar aimed and pulled the trigger. She let go of him and tumbled to the side. Scar looked up and saw a bullet went throw Garrett's chest.

"GARRETTT!" Scar yelled.

Bernadette stood up and threw the staff at Scar's head. Scar dropped to the floor, she was knocked out cold.

"NOOOO!" Violet yelled.

Violet tackled Bernadette to the ground and punched her many times. Bernadette grabbed Violet's head and head-butted her two times. The sound echoed. Bernadette threw a punch straight at Violets nose and blood poured out. Bernadette kneed Violet then kicked her hard. Violet flew off of her. Bernadette stood up and walked over to Violet. She kicked Violet in the gut two times. Violet grabbed her ankle and pulled her down. Violet flipped Bernadette over and went on top of her. She started choking Bernadette with a tight grip. Bernadette looked right into Violet's eyes. Bernadette went crosseyed. She opened her mouth and screeched. Violet flew off of her and landed against a concrete building. As she hit the building a loud thump echoed. Blood poured out her mouth as she sat against the wall. Everyone was still shooting at the soldiers behind cover as Herta was behind all of the soldiers hiding. Bernadette got up and fixed her turban then patted it. Bernadette walked over to Scar passed out. She grabbed her staff and looked at Scar. She banged her staff against Scar's head a couple times. She heard moaning behind her and turned and saw zombified Garrett. She walked up to it with her staff. She held it at the middle. She swung the staff at Garrett's head and it flew off. She left him like that. She turned and saw Violet and Scar gone. She rolled her eyes and kneeled down to the ground. She rubbed her hand across the ground slowly. She got up and walked up to the where all the action was. She walked in front of all the soldiers. She yelled at the top of her lungs banged the staff on the ground. The ground shook rapidly. Pieces of the ground shifted and all the soldiers looked terrified. Bernadette walked over to Kaelyn's dead body and picked up her rifle. Bernadette turned around to the others.

"It's. Time. To fight!" She yelled.

She started firing at the soldiers. The others joined in. The ground stopped shaking and all the soldiers were fallen. They all turned to Bernadette.

"How the actual fuck did you do that?" Layla asked confused.

"A voodoo queen never reveals her tricks." Bernadette said with a smirk.

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