Ilvermorny House Aesthetics

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Wampus: having a crush, skinned elbows and knees, licking your lips, sore muscles, thunder, chunky jewelry, bold lipstick, the sharpening of kitchen knives, paper cuts, staring someone down, the taste of juice as you bite into a fruit, collarbones, neon signs, carbonated drinks, the click of your fingernails against a hard surface, sweat trickling down your spine, biting the inside of your cheek, hail storms, tattoos, listening to your favorite song, pasta sauce, cicadas, cracking your knuckles, spilling your drink, laughing so hard your stomach hurts, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the drop in your stomach as you go down a hill, fingers glancing over piano keys; steps echoing on wooden floors; the brush of nerves whistling on anxious shoulders, keeping you in flight for what's to come; the stretch in your neck while hanging over the back of the chair, evening touching the sky out of the corner of your eye - there's a thought, but it's escaped; paint tubes, brushes strewn around stained toes - a canvas stretched wide and loved by happy fingers dancing across her surface

Thunderbird: seeing your reflection in metal, the snow on top of mountains, feeling breathless, backpacks, trying a new recipe, melted ice cream cones, old bridges, passports, flea markets, tapestries, dart boards, the cold sensation of an ice cube on your tongue, road signs, goosebumps, lightning, the sting of salt water in your eyes, speaking a new language, denim jackets, heterochromia, city graffiti, french kissing, seeing your breath as the air gets colder, drive-in movie theaters, push pins, walking along the pier, sand between your toes, driving with all the windows down, maps, and messy buns, photographs taped to mist embraced windows; the whisper of secrets spilling into giggles; a puzzle piece twisting and leaping between absent-minded fingers; the comfort of warm grovel under your back and the brush of a cooled breeze kissing your nose; bottom lip bitten rouge - eyes apprehensive, but curious; the brush of fingertips across my neck; the ache of bruises and scratches, caressed by thoughtful eyes; holding yourself close beneath the comfort of loose yarn over naked skin

Horned Serpent: old libraries, scented candles, winding staircases, marble statues, quiet forests, long eyelashes, dusty shelves, forgotten love notes, bell towers, opera houses, velvet between your fingers, condensation on the side of your glass, Polaroid pictures, obscure coffee shops, icicles, the moon, an owl hooting at night, birdwatching, bags under your eyes, post-it notes, old journals, browsing through a bookstore or record shop, clean sheets, long showers, pressing flowers between book pages, to-do lists, heavy sighs, combing wet hair, the feeling that someone is watching you, looking at the stars, plucking a guitar string, symphonies, skimming water with your fingers, and the ribbons of steam off a hot drink, the envelopment of cool sheets on a summer's night; ankles greeting the ocean waves it wraps around her with cold kisses; melodies lingering even as eyelids shut to the welcome the mind's dreams; the burning alighting the heart as legs carry you out of the forest and into an abyss of wheat fields; light touches across wrists, over parted lips; warm light filtering through barely there curtains, books stacked, arranged in an orderly havoc; pillows pushed against one corner, blankets with its arms open to a heavy heart

Pukwudgie: band-aids, holding hands, hair tickling your skin, fairy lights, willow trees, flower crowns, old pictures with creases at the edges, trying not to smile but failing, the softness of grass after it rains, cottages covered in ivy, coming home after a long day, the smell baked goods in the oven, doing anything for a loved one, bath bombs, rose petals, perfect eyebrows, record players, big windows, potted plants, cool glass beneath your palms, furry blankets, humming, stroking a pet, wishing on eyelashes, opening curtains, the first snow of the winter, silky ribbons, gardens, and laying next to a loved one, words choked in your chest, burning from the inside out, crawling to strangle your throat, but you scream in the tears leaving your eyes; memories pressed with gentle kisses to a worn journal kept between so many books; a glance of understanding; wildflowers brushing scratched calves; the cool dampness of grass imprinting beneath giddy toes; gentle hands holding a loved face; fingers interlacing with another's to grip onto hope in the face of despair

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