Stucky x Reader - Vampire au

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry YN, sometimes I find it hard to control myself." He said looking down at his feet.

"It's ok, I'm just a little freaked out I guess." You admitted laughing awkwardly. Steve walked up to you and gently move the coat away from your neck seeing a purple mark and puncture wounds.

"Was it Stark?" He asked examining the bite.

"Y-Yeah, he didn't give me a choice. He used that weird hypnotic thing on me." You said shamefully pulling the coat up and hissing in pain when it touched your skin.

"Here this will help." He said as he licked his thumb and placed it on your wound. The pain dulled as he smiled and pulled the coat back up.

"I can tell he drew quite a lot of blood. Do you feel faint?" He asked.

"I don't know I haven't eaten for a while, so I'm not sure if it's that or the blood loss." You said laughing nervously.

"We can get you some food." Bucky said as you smiled at him.

"I'll go get some food, Bucky can you show her to the room across from ours? And behave." Steve warned before walking out. Bucky gently took your hand and lead you out of the room.

"How long did Stark have you before he gave you to us?" Bucky asked.

"Three nights, I was so glad when he said he was giving me away. But scared as well, I didn't want it to be someone worse than him." You admitted as he opened a door to a big room.

"Can't remember the last time I slept on a bed." You said as you scoffed. Bucky looked at you confused.

"Oh, right you're a King, not some homeless human." You said as you turned away and sat on the bed.

"You were homeless?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah I guess that's why it took so long for Stark to find me, I don't exist." You mumbled as you looked at Bucky. He turned away and covered his face as he grumbled. You walked up and placed your hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?" You asked warily. In a flash, he turned around and had his hand on your cheek looking into your eyes. His eyes were bright red and his fangs were out. He growled again as he shut his eyes tight and backed away from you.

"I'm sorry. I-It's just s-so hard to control myself around you." He said still with his eyes shut tightly.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" You asked as you came closer to him. You calmed yourself down and placed a hand on his shoulder, he began to calm down and turned around. You carefully came closer and stood on your toes wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him. He instantly placed his face into your neck and breathed in.

"Does this help?" You whispered as he didn't speak and just nodded and hugged you tighter. His grip became tighter and tighter you felt his teeth on your neck.

"Bucky!" You shouted but couldn't break free, you struggled as his teeth began to dig into your neck. You managed to push him off but his teeth created a gash on your neck as you gasped and knelt on the floor. Bucky looked at your blood spilling from your neck and his eyes became hungry.

"P-Please don't do this." You said as tears ran down your face. His eyes returned to normal as he gasped and looked at you.

"Y/N! Shit doll!" He said as he held you placing his hand over the blood. His eyes turned back to red as he lost control.

"No!" You shouted fighting weakly, already losing so much blood. Steve ran in and placed his hand on Bucky making him pass out. Steve quickly knelt beside you and held you.

Marvel Oneshots - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now