Chapter 2 - Shattered dreams

Start from the beginning

"Hmmph," I grumbled. There was nothing decent on TV, apart from music videos. Seeing it as the best option, I clicked on the program and scooped yoghurt into my mouth, waiting for the TV to load and play the program. A bit fell from the spoon as I was bringing it up to my mouth, and it landed on my shirt. I looked down and slid my finger up my shirt, collecting the yoghurt. I rubbed the excess yoghurt onto my pants, not caring about anything for the moment. I rubbed in the excess on my shirt as well, making the stain almost completely invisible. I suddenly froze as I heard music coming from the TV. I'd know that song from anywhere, and I looked up slowly to see Hot Chelle Rae on my very own TV. Honestly was playing, it was at the part where Ashley Benson tries to key Ryan's car, but gets the wrong one by mistake. The chorus blasted through the speakers and I watched as Ryan was singing in Ian's backyard, with clothes and papers flying out the window. I slumped down in my seat and exhaled sadly, playing around with the yoghurt in my bowl. Why does this happen to me? I've got my dreams set, but every time I can make them happen, something gets in the way. I decided watching the Honestly music video wasn't exactly the best idea and I angrily turned off the TV set, slamming the remote on the coffee table as I turned it off. My stomach was still empty, so I finished the remainder of the yoghurt and walked into the kitchen, placing the bowl in the sink. Deep in thought, I sat up on the counter and rested my elbows on my knees. My head fitted neatly in my hands and I stayed there for a few minutes. I tried not to think, which was basically impossible for me. I heard a door open and close. I was expecting mum to walk through the archway into the kitchen to yell at me, but instead I heard nothing but footsteps. They seemed to be coming closer, though. At least they stopped, and there was a small thud as my mum lifted heself up and dropped onto the counter. She put her arm around me and rested her head on my neck, which was covered with the strands of my blonde hair.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry," She muffled into my hair. I felt her voice on my neck, and it sent shivers down my spine. "I'm going to really try, okay? For you, baby."

I lifted my head from my hands and looked her dead in the eyes. "How do you know you won't just last a day and then change again?"

She looked at me levelly, showing no hurt in her eyes of the memories in the past. "Because this time it's different."

"It's always different, but that doesn't always mean it won't turn out the same."

That got a reaction. But it wasn't anger or rage as I'd expected, it was tears. They ran down her cheek and she sniffed.

"I- I'm sorry," I stuttered. Making mum cry wasn't going to help anything. "It's just hard, mum. You promise me these things and then you meet a guy, completely change and treat me like crap."

"No I-"

"Yes, you do. Don't deny it," I cut her off. "But you know what? I'm going to trust you this time. Be a responsible parent. I just want you to know that if you mess up, that's it. I'm gone. Do you understand?" She nodded rapidly, taking in all the words and turning them over in her mind. "And this means treating Laura with respect too, no arguments over little things. She's coming down next Tuesday with some news, and whatever it may be, I want you to be supportive." My voice was firm and authoritive.

"She's coming down from Tulsa? Why didn't she tell me..." Mum trailed off as I raised my eyebrows. "Oh."

All of a sudden mum burst into laughter. Normally I would have thought she was crazy, but at the moment I just joined in. The sound of hysterical laughter drifted throughout the house and tears were forming at my eyes. This was the first time in years I'd had a moment like this with mum.

Our laughter faded after a few minutes and I saw mum wipe tears from her makeup free eyes. It was a good look for her, one I only see once a month. "Hey, you go on back to bed and I'm going to the drugstore to get some food for breakfast later this morning."

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