Chapter 1 - a Hot Chelle Rae fanfic

Start from the beginning

"You've improved so much since our first lesson a few months ago. I'm so proud of you Blair! That was perfect; I couldn't pick anything wrong with it, great job girlfriend!" Oh, that's another thing. Eric was gay, and I loved him for it. He was so understanding and caring, which made everything better when my mum comment on how retched my singing was.

"Thank you," I replied feeling blush rise to my cheeks.

"Well, that should wrap things up. I'll be back next Monday okay?" He got up from the couch and gathered his things from the jarrah-stained coffee table. After he'd stepped out of the door I closed it and turned so I could rest my back against its supportive wooden frame. What now? I thought. I couldn't make too much noise unless I wanted to spend the night in the street, so I decided to go for a walk to the park down the road. It was usually overflowing with kids and dogs playing Frisbee. It was such a happy environment, which was better than being stuck at my house. I tiptoed into my room which was directly next to my mums. I gave a quick scan of my room to find my phone but it wasn't anywhere.  I usually left it on my purple-flower quilt, which was always perfectly made every morning. Exhaling deeply, I walked out of the room and slowly opened the door to my mum's bedroom. She was snoring loudly on the bed. I stopped and stared for a moment, my eyes wide at the position she was in. It looked like she'd walked through the door and fell on the bed. Half of her body was on the floor and her arms were spread out to her sides, with her head resting awkwardly on the mattress. I was surprised at how someone could sleep like that. I spotted my iPhone on the bedside table, which never really matched the room. The table was white, with the rest of the furniture being brown and mahogany. I picked up my phone and flipped the cover open. The cover was white and flipped over from the side. On the front and back was a piano in the corner and musical notes spread throughout. It was covered in diamantes, which I adored. A cover was boring to me if it was without diamantes. ( /180824939606?pt=AU_Electronics_Portable_Audio_Accessories&hash=item2a1a019c56) I had a message from Laura, my sister who was 22 years old. It read:

Hey, sweets!

I'm coming down next Tuesday to see you, make sure you're there! I've got some news (;

Hopefully mum won't be there xx love you!

I smiled. I hadn't seen Laura in a few months ever since she went to the University of Tulsa to study architecture. My mum and I live in Lockeland Springs -- Nashville, Tennessee. Laura had bought an apartment in Tulsa with her boyfriend, Nathan. I loved them both so much, Laura especially. She felt so guilt-stricken when she had to leave me here in Nashville with mum, but I'd told her I would be okay. If only I could go back in time and tell her to take me with them. Nathan was like my 'big ol' brother' as he liked to be called. I walked down the hall and out of the front door while texting Laura back.

Laura! I can't wait; I'll see you very soon! Love you too xx

I hit send and put the phone away in my ripped, light blue jeans. They were limited edition bought from Australia and I wore them almost all of the time. After all, they were one of the three pairs of pants that I actually own. The walk to the park was surprisingly quick, and before I knew it I could smell freshly cut grass and the scent of summer. I worked my way through the people everywhere and dodged a few dogs running all over the place. I was walking peacefully over the green grass when a Frisbee suddenly landed near my feet. I jumped and looked up, expecting to see a big running dog coming straight towards me and bowling me over. Instead I saw a few familiar faces looking at me expectantly.

"Blair! Throw it back, yeah?" A boy called. I looked over to see Adrian, a boy in my classes who had only ever been nice to me. He was the same age as me, 16, and was also in year 10. I picked up the yellow and orange Frisbee covered in dirt and threw it in his direction. It sailed through the air and straight into his open hand.

All I want is you - a Hot Chelle Rae fanficWhere stories live. Discover now