"We found out the sex of the baby today" I say not wanting to jump right into the subject "really is it a girl?" She leaned forward now intrigued "no clue only my mom knows she's planning the reveal" O says bringing a frown to her face which she quickly covered up with a fake smile.

"Nice she must be so excited" she smiled I knew she was hurt seeing as though I had told her before that if anything she was the one that would plan my shower and gender reveal.

"So what is the real reason y'all are here" she eyed us, I opened my mouth to speak but then remembered Odell said to let him do the speaking.

"We are worried about you and Jamal" he watched for her reaction.

"Why ar-" she tried to speak

"I know those bruises didn't just come out of nowhere and I'm sorry if you think we're meddling I just couldn't sit around and fathom the fact that he-" O tried to explain only for him to be cut off.

"Guys I can handle my own when have you ever known me to take shit from someone" she tried to play it off not denying it anymore.

"Nattie you shouldn't even have to deal with this" I spoke up "he put his hands on you When has that ever been acceptable in a relationship" I argued

"I'm handling it" She sprung up from the chair arms crossed "how huh? How are you handling it" I couldn't sit quietly anymore. It was taking everything in me to not get up go over to her and knock some sense into her life.

"You think letting him do what he wants to you will make him forgive you for cheating Nattie? Because it's not it hasn't if anything his demeanor has been horrible it's like he turned into a monster" I went to get up but was held back down by Odell who shot me a look I know I promised to be quiet but I just felt so much about this how would I look sitting back and letting my sister ruin her life or better yet my nephews.

"I'm not letting him do what he wants I was just trying to get us back to what we were" she argued "and how has that been working huh?" I shot her way frustrated that she wasn't seeing what we were.

"I kicked him out for a few days while I try to figure everything out" she revealed running a hand through her hair. "I didn't expect him to do that it was a simple argument... I didn't think he would..." memories of what happened ran through her mind, O got up and hugged her as a tear fell out. It was hard seeing her like this Nattie rarely cried it had to be something emotionally draining or important for her to let out a tear.

"All I said was I didn't want to move and all of a sudden he starts accusing me of shit and one thing led to another" I hated him, I truly despised Marcel so much. She began sobbing in O's arms I sat there staring on in complete disbelief that this was my sister, she looked like someone so fragile and weak, not the strong independent woman I knew her to be.

"You can't keep living like this Nattie" I said wiping a tear that had fallen from my eye. "I know I just keep thinking I don't wanna end up like mom and dad" she stressed I nodded understanding her. Our parents were dysfunctional as hell my mother drove my father away and him being naive and young moved away without his kids, my mother fell in with the wrong lifestyle and began to abandon us that's when our dad stepped up. In no way shape or form did I think Nattie would ever be like our mother she was way too involved in Jamal's life for that to ever happen.

"That will never happen, Nattie look you've gotten farther in life than she ever has you have your whole life planned out and with dreams and plans that you're willing to go after daddy never did that" I say finally getting up off the chair to go and hug her.

"Come sit" I motioned her over to the couch where we both sat down holding onto each other's hand. "I don't know where to start" she confessed I know her whole life was planned around having a perfect family. "First things first we're going to the station and reporting that son of a bitch" A frustrated Odell spoke up slowly walking back and forth around the room.

The Perfect Ruin (OBJxSevyn)Where stories live. Discover now