Do yo dance!

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Chapter 81
Christmas Dinner

"So you cook too?" Her mom asked me.

"I can make certain things," I said as I watched London eat off my plate.

I smiled as I looked down at her. She had on a pair of black dress pants, her Stacy Adams, and a read and green polo with Christmas trees. Her hair was braid back into two ponytails that Miguel talked her into. It was some funny shit. Her brothers couldn't get them dress at all. It took Miguel, Mila and me to get them dressed. Everytime we put something on London girlie she would take it off and Mila just gave up and dressed Mayra.

"London you have a plate," her mother said as London ignored her.

She had heard London and Mayra call Mila mama. Apparently she went off then Mia did. So she said after dinner she is taking them home that's why they all came in upset. Which sent my a door begin slammed and the girls not talking. So I'm a bit piss and wasn't hungry. He'll Miguel had to talk me out of taking all damn doors of the hinges. I've had too many doors slammed in this house. We don't slam doors around here.

I learned that at 8 and pops took off all the doors for a week. We had sheets up which was pretty fun the last couple days. I looked at her and smirked. Her mother was something else. She's a masterpiece of art. Like fuck. She gotta be bipolar and don't wanna admit it. Or if she going through something. I hope Mila don't turn out like that when she get older. I'm going to have to smoke even more if that happens.

"She's okay. I can eat later," I said as Mila hand went to my ear.

I looked down at her and smirked. Ra was eating off of London's plate while sitting on Milas lap. I watched as she placed her wine glass to her nude painted lips as she laughed and talk with her brother. She looked okay for now. I feel like she was tense though. She had been been under me, right next to me, and her hand has roamed from my knee to my thigh. Then from my thigh to my hand. Now it's on my ear.

"Well I didn't know you had this type of money," Roger said.

"Well it is her money," Nora said in a duh tone.

She and Miguel got here an hour ago. Got caught up in the bullshit and sat in on the pre dinner smoke session. Which is usually an all day thing for me. I usually go to bed high and wake up in a hotel bed four days later still high and you think I would stop. Nope I wake up back in my bed high and start all over till about April.

"Ain't no way you got this much money young blood," he said and laughed.

"I could buy your soul," I said and smirked.

I watched as he cringed while Miguel,Heaven, and Thrill laughed so hard that they were about to fall out the chair.

"If you invest, by some stock, manage your own damn money you could be living lavish Robert. Instead of doing whatever it is you do," I said as London turned around and looked at me.

"What you need little Ms. Rose?" I asked her.

I smirked as she turned around and laughed as she laid back into my chest. She sighed and grabbed her pacifier off the table and back in her mouth. She play all damn day.

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