Thrillkill and Major

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Chapter 38
Dec 21,2016

I walked into my apartment and sat down on the couch. I sighed. It had been a long ass couple of weeks. Ms. Rose has been busy at work. London and Ra was living it up. Spending days with their sisters who keep buying them shit. But they would spend the night with us. Then somehow always end up in bed with us. I'm getting tired of waking up to a little toe in my ear and another littler toe on my bottom lip. Then some way Mila's leg ends up across my stomach. They gonna have to sleep in they own beds. In fact that's what I'm getting them for Christmas beds.

"You look exhausted Major," Thrill said as he came into view.

I raised my eyebrow and just sighed. This nigga had been in my closet again. He had on one of my silver guess watches. I sighed and let it go. They always in my shit.

"I am man," I said.

"I'll be right back," he said as he smiled and skipped his ass to his room.

"Stop fucking skipping. Men don't skip Thrill," I said.

"The gaaaayyy ooonneeesss ddooooo," he sang.

I laughed at his dumbass. I looked at my feet. This the first time I've really been off them. We had been getting slammed for the pass couple of weeks.My cousins have been helping me out at the funeral home and Thrill just been doing what he feels. Some days he was with us others he was with Mila at work. When the girls do go to sleep it's a different story.

Me and Thrill sat up and smoked while my cousins fucked or tried to get fucked. It was one or the other. Then Ms. Rose would wake up from her nap and join us. But seeing as we have work. Me and Ms. Rose would turn in early and after rearranging little bodies we would get in bed and knock out.

"Husband. Can you please start this vacation?" Thrill said as he came out the spare room.

I licked my lips as he handed me a fat ass blunt. He sat down next to me and pulled my hat off my head and tossed it on the coffee table. I watched as he pouted as his man bun flopped around on his head. I laughed.

"No. You got us working! We need to be chillin," he said.

"I started today. Rick And them forced it," I said and sighed as I placed my feet on my table.

"Good!" He said as he grabbed the box of matches.

"What's the plan for today?" He asked me and handed me the book.

He was debating on reclining his chair. I sighed and lit the blunt. I had no idea. I could care less. I just really wanted to fuck and sleep. I had become so addicted to Ms. Rose. She is the only one I crave like I do. Besides she is finally off her cycle and she should be off for a few days soon. Also, Imma bribe Trina with weed to watch them. She knows what will happen if she don't. Another swim lesson. This time in snow.

"Well since I'm off I don't even care," I mumbled as the 2.0 coated my lungs.

This is all I needed at the moment. I exhaled and looked at the beautiful rolled Optimo. I licked my lips and looked over at Thrill as he turned on the TV. We hadn't smoke this since almost 2 weeks ago. So right now this was all I needed for now.
Well this and my old lady.

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